Wholesale SIP Number Management

A comprehensive set of APIs which underpin Colt’s Wholesale SIP service. These APIs enable you to activate new phone numbers and port-in existing phone numbers to Colt in a sandbox environment with a “try it out” feature or in the production environment.

API Details:





Maturity status


Endpoint (Production)


Endpoint (Sandbox)



Below are the list of Wholesale SIP APIs (with resource names)


API resource name



Search free number(s)



Allows you to get list of free numbers

Search number(s) from the inventory



Allows you to search your number from your number inventory with multiple search criteria (by status, customer reference, orderID, CLI details). You can also fetch the number details (end customer name, status, address, customer Registration Number) by providing numberRangeStart and numberRangeEnd parameters

Reserve number(s)



Allows you to add or reserve number in stock without endcustomer assignment nor network configuration. Number will be reserved for 90 calendar days.

Return number(s)



Allows you to return the number to Colt by cancelling the reservation of reserved numbers and deactivating Activated/Port-in Activated numbers.

Activate number(s)



Allows you to assign number to an end-customer and activate on Colt network.

Update end customer details and directory service details



Allows you to update activated number details, e.g. emergency address and Directory services(for few countries only) etc.

Port number(s)



Allows you to create new port-in order.
Please note: Out of hours porting is chargeable.

Update porting order



Allows you to updatea porting order (change date, cancel, modify, send notes, accept/reject port out order, schedule port, activate port)

Portability checker



API to allow you to confirm whether a number/range can be ported-in

Reactivate number(s)



Allows you to reactivate colt owned or ported in numbers. Number will be reassigned to the same end-user, Network will be reconfigured, and number will be ready to be used again.

Bulk activation



Allows you to send bulk request for activation API.

Bulk portIn



Allows you to send bulk request for portIn API.

Bulk end customer/ DS details



Allows you to send bulk request for address/DS update API.

Fetch list of orders



Allows you to get list of orders matching your search criteria.

Fetch order details



Allows you to get details for a specific order.

CLI Order History



Allows you to get list of orders for a specific number.

Fetch free number count



allows you to get the count of free numbers for given LAC

Lock free numbers



allows you to get the list of free numbers in locked state for 10 mins for a given LAC

Request for free numbers backfill



Allows you to request for free number backfill for a specific location

Cancel backfill request



Allows you to cancel a free number backfill request which has been submitted and which is not yet fulfilled.



Please note: If you use the "Try it out" feature in the production environment, then charges will apply as per your Wholesale SIP ratecard.  For more information on pricing, please contact your Account Manager. 



Introducing Wholesale SIP Trunking APIs

Wholesale SIP (Number Hosting) is Colt Wholesale SIP trunking with on Demand Number Management supporting high volume transactions (reservation, activation, porting) via our Numbers on Demand (NOD) portal and our APIs. We have pan-European coverage in 20 countries, with full regulatory compliance and a uniform experience for Carrier Grade SIP Trunks.

Wholesale SIP addresses Service Providers with their own VoIP platform who want to build, integrate and sell their own VoIP & Cloud solutions under their own brand to their business end-customers. We are the digital infrastructure provider, underpinning Hyperscalers' & OTTs' growth in the Cloud Voice market.

We are a one stop shop, enabling you to order new geographic & nomadic numbers, as well as Port-In numbers over API and in our NOD portal for your end-customers. This gives you an opportunity to simplify your business processes, build E2E automation, and deliver a high quality end-customer experience.

Colt Wholesale SIP APIs are based on REST JSON. Our Next Gen REST APIs:

  • Conform to the Industry standard REST-JSON APIs
  • Align with TMF conventions
  • Support OAuth2.0 and JWT based authentication and authorization
  • Support open API specifications (earlier swagger)
  • Support flexible version management
  • Optimized fields and offer a standard format for numbers, date-time, etc.

List of Wholesale SIP (Number Hosting) Countries

Please find below country supported in Colt APIs:


Country Code

Zone A

























United Kingdom


Zone B









Czech Republic






Our full list of terms and conditions, alongside our acceptable use policy is available below.

Read our terms and conditions


Germany: 100+ Range Allocation

German Regulator Bundesnetzagentur (BNetzA) defines the maximum range sizes for new subscribers in the document ‘Struktur und Ausgestaltung des Nummernbereichs für Ortsnetzrufnummern‘.

A German and an English version are available on the homepage of BnetzA:

  1. Bestimmung der Anzahl zuzuteilender Rufnummern bei durchwahlfähigen VoIP-Anschlüssen
  2. http://www.bundesnetzagentur.de/cln_1431/DE/Sachgebiete/Telekommunikation/Unternehmen_Institutionen/Nummerierung/Rufnummern/ONRufnr/Ortsnetze_Basepage.html?nn=268384

(Struktur und Ausgestaltung des Nummernbereichs für Ortsnetzrufnummern)

  1. https://www.bundesnetzagentur.de/EN/Areas/Telecommunications/Companies/NumberManagement/GeographicNumbers/LocalNumbers_Basepage.html?nn=404520

(Structure and configuration of the number range for geographic numbers)

For a block greater than 100, the allocation must be approved by BnetzA before assigning numbers to the end-customer.

Process is as per the following:

  • Customer sends the request form to BnetzA
  • Official timeline for BnetzA to answer is 3 weeks, but less than 1 week in practice.
  • Customer sends the approval to Colt
  • Customer can assign the numbers.

It’s the customer’s responsibility to engage with BnetzA and share the confirmation with Colt.

Request form is available below in German/English. It can be filled out in both languages; the other language will be populated automatically.


There is a private numbering plan in Austria.  When you assign a single main number to an end-customer, the end-customer can configure or add digits/extensions (0-9 or 00-99 or 000-999 or 0000-9999) to the main number in their PBX, as per their needs.  You do not need to inform Colt of the range of extensions/digits when (de/re) activating a number, submitting a port-in order or sending an address update – these transactions require the main number only.  The end-customer’s emergency address is entered and stored at the main number level, and not at the extension level.


France: Hosted customer numbers

There are 2 important Regulatory changes impacting the use of phone numbers in France, which came into effect on 1st January 2023:-

1.            The resale of geographic and location independent numbers for outbound voice services is forbidden

2.            France no longer has 400+ local area codes.  01-05 numbers are available for use throughout mainland France

ARCEP, the Regulator in France, published further information on these changes here: https://www.arcep.fr/uploads/tx_gsavis/22-1583.pdf

If you are reselling Colt numbers to your end-customers under your own brand, then you need to take action to register with ARCEP and obtain your own numbers, which Colt can then host on your behalf.  You can contact your Colt Account Manager to complete the order form to host your number blocks with Colt.  For further information, please refer to these links to the Customer Q&A in English and in French.

Hosting your numbers

When we confirm your own numbers are available to use, you will be able to reserve and (pre)activate your own numbers, update addresses etc.  As a result of the Regulatory changes above you will only need to search for numbers on the basis of the LAC: 01-05 and the LAC extension or search by city will no longer be available - should you need the historical reference, please refer to the Number Coverage file.  Your own numbers will be available in ranges of 1, 10, 100 as requested in your order form.  If you run out of single numbers, then our system will automatically take a range of 10 Free numbers and split this into 10 Free single numbers and similar logic applies if you run out of ranges of 10 etc.  You can also view or query for your Free numbers in France and this enables you to monitor your own inventory and apply to ARCEP for new number blocks in good time – the E2E lead-time is 2-3 months depending on ARCEP, Orange & OLO availability during busy periods.

If you have obtained your own routing/porting prefix in France then you can select this when you port-in a number.

We will return deactivated numbers from your number blocks to your “free” pool of numbers at the end of the quarantine & frozen period.  We will return numbers which were ported-out and which have been cancelled / deactivated by the end-customer into your “free” pool of numbers at the end of the quarantine & frozen period, using our established processes & system integration with APNF.

The responsibility to supply compliance reports or to comply with regulatory audits is yours.  Colt will provide a clear view of your number inventory  - the number status & end-customer data via our APIs & Numbers on Demand which you can use to meet these requests together with your own data. 

Tri-partite agreement with Colt numbers

If you do not have your own numbers from ARCEP yet, then from 21st January 2023 you are responsible for submitting a tri-partite agreement with every order for new Colt number activations. The tri-partite agreement template can be found in English here and in French here.  You are responsible for filling in your own company details, the numbers being ordered, entering the accurate address details of your end-customer and obtaining the end-customer’s signature. 

France: Introduction of RIO codes for the wider business market

There are some changes to the use of RIO codes in France, which came into effect from 1st December 2023, pursuant to Arcep’s decision no 2022-2148.

A RIO code is a unique identifier associated to a telephone number, which is created when a consumer or small business request a new telephone number in France and its purpose is to facilitate the portability process.  If they wish to move / port numbers to a new operator, then the new operator will request the RIO code provided by the current operator for each single telephone number from the consumer / small business in order to validate that the port order is legitimate and to implement the porting order.  These RIO codes are not yet mandatory in the wider business market but this will gradually change.

The changes are:

  1. Colt, as a technical operator, must define a unique RIO code for every:
    1. Colt geographic or location independent number
    2. Geographic or location independent number ported-in to Colt
    3. Geographic or location independent number hosted by Colt on your behalf – this includes both new and ported-in numbers where you have mandated Colt as your OPTA (i.e. where we technically manage the porting of your numbers on your behalf)
  2. Colt must make these RIO codes available to you via a secure portal, which is our Numbers on Demand portal and over API and these will be available in our May 2024 release.   Up until the May 2024 release, if you require the RIO code for e.g. a consumer / small business port, then please get in touch with [email protected].

It is not foreseen that RIO codes will be required for number portability in the wider business market until 2025, due to the complexity of inter-operator process & system integration work and pursuant to Arcep’s decision.

In a wider context, if you currently support consumers, we would like to remind you that consumer-specific obligations apply pursuant to the regulations, including the provision of an IVR service through which you provide the RIO code associated to a specific number.

As an operator providing voice services in France, you are responsible for portability to your end-customers and other operators, even where Colt is technically managing portability for you as your OPTA.  Obligations regarding how the RIO codes should be shared with your subscribers apply, as well as other obligations related to portability (i.e. additional information to be provided to your subscribers,  contractual provisions, etc.). Obligations may vary depending on the customer type (business, small business, consumer) and the kind of service you provide (OTT, single-number or multi-number offers, etc.).

For further information please see this decision from ARCEP: https://information.colt.net/hubfs/22-2148_FR_Published%20document_22Mar2023%20en-GB.pdf

The RIO code will be present against each CLI in the Numbers on Demand portal when viewing the ‘Number Details’ and will be returned in the B2B API response (SOAP/HTTPs: getNumberDetails and REST: GET/CLIDetails) as well.

Portugal & Spain: Introduction of CIF/NIF/VAT ID check

In May 2024 we have introduced an external check on the CIF/NIF/VAT ID in Portugal and Spain against the European Commission’s VAT Information Exchange System (VIES). – see: https://europa.eu/youreurope/business/taxation/vat/check-vat-number-vies/index_en.htm.   The reason is to improve the accuracy and validity of orders for new numbers and ports as explained below:

  • The VAT ID/CIF is included in the CVP generated by Colt for an end-customer and is highly confidential.  The CVP was introduced by the PT Regulator, Anacom, to give greater security to end-customers.  End-customers must include their CVP in a future port order to prove their request is genuine.
  • As requested by the ES Regulator, CNMC, the VAT ID/CIF/NIF must be uploaded into the emergency database in Spain and be an exact match to the registered end-customer name.

In Numbers on Demand portal you will see the extra validation step on the CIF/NIF/VAT ID in Portugal & Spain when activating a number, porting-in a number and updating an end-customer address, including bulk orders.  In both Portugal and Spain if your end-customer has only recently registered for VAT and their details are not yet in VIES, then you can enter their VAT ID by selecting “NIF//CIF/VAT ID not registered” and your order will proceed as normal.

Spain: Number Type offerings

Number Type offerings





LAC can be used only for the applicable city / town

LAC can be used within the province for any city / town

LAC can be used across entire country of Spain

Local Area Codes (LACs)

LACs starting with 8- Please refer to Number Coverage file present in www.colt.net/cocom

LACs starting with 8- Please refer to Number Coverage file present in www.colt.net/cocom


Free Number Search




LAC Validation




Port-in/ Port-Out




Quarantine Period

30 calender days

30 calender days

30 calender days

numberType (used for ‘Free’ number search



Non Geo

Colt Number Life Cycle

The below diagram provides a view of number status [cliStatus] transition based on API action:

num life cycle



Ported-In Number Life Cycle

The below diagram provides a view of number status [cliStatus] transition based on API action:

ported lifecycle


Number Format

Colt REST APIs support these number formats:

  • E164 international format, combination of {startFullNumber & endFullNumber} in the APIs

Example: French national number range 03.82.50.xx.x0 – x9

  • Split format: areaCode = 3, areaCodeExtn = 8250, rangeStart = xxx0 & rangeEnd = xxx9
  • E164 format: startFullNumber = +3338250xxx0 & endFullNumber = +3338250xxx9

Split format to E164 format mapping

Austria (+43), Belgium (+32), Czech Republic (+420), Denmark (+45), Finland (+358), France (+33), Germany (+49), Ireland (+353), Italy Nomadic (+39), Luxembourg(+352),Netherlands (+31), Norway (+47), Poland (+48), Portugal (+351), Romania (+40), Slovakia (+421), Spain (+34), Sweden (+46), Switzerland (+41), United Kingdom (+44) :

  • startFullNumber = CC + areaCode (without leading 0) + areaCodeExtn + rangeStart
  • endFullNumber = CC + areaCode (without leading 0) + areaCodeExtn + rangeEnd

Italy Geo (+39):

  • startFullNumber = CC + areaCode (with leading 0) + areaCodeExtn + rangeStart
  • endFullNumber = CC + areaCode (with leading 0) + areaCodeExtn + rangeEnd

Germany (+49)

  • startFullNumber = CC + areaCode + rangeStart
  • endFullNumber = CC + areaCode + rangeEnd

Number Status 

Please find the list of resourceStatus supported by Colt APIs, with associated country availability & description.






Colt free number you can search and acquire, or customer owned numbers (FR only)



Colt Number in your stock, and/or customer owned numbers (FR only)

Network is not configured & no end-customer assigned.

Reservation period = 90 days.



Intermediate status for Colt number or customer owned numbers (FR only) during activation process.

No action possible.



Colt number in your stock, and/ or customer owned numbers (FR only)

Network is configured & end-customer assigned (variance applicable for Premium offer).



Following a deactivation, Colt number and/or customer owned numbers (FR only) stays in your stock during quarantine period as Quarantined.

Network is not configured & no end-customer assigned.

Quarantine period varies per country.

For zone B country: when Colt perform hard cease, the numbers will move to this status


All except DE

After port-in order has been confirmed (transactionStatus = Firm order commitment), ported-In number will appear in your stock as PortedIn_Allocated.

Network is not configured & no end-customer assigned.

No action possible.



Ported-In number in your stock.

Network is configured & end-customer assigned.



Following a deactivation, Ported-In number stays in your stock during quarantine period as PortIn_Quarantined.

Network is not configured & no end-customer assigned.

Quarantine period varies per country.

Port-In Reactivation can be requested



When Port-In reactivation is requested, the numbers goes into intermediate status.

Network configuration and end customer re-assignment is in progress.

No action possible.

Port Out In Progress

All except DE

When a port-out request is raised for Colt-owned numbers which will be ported out from Colt’s network to new operator.

No action possible.

Transfer In Progress

All except DE

When a port-out request is raised for Ported-In numbers which will be ported out from Colt’s network

and is scheduled to be transferred to new operator.

No action possible.

Return In Progress

All except DE

When a port-out request is raised for Ported-In numbers which will be ported out from Colt’s network

and is scheduled to be returned to the original range holder.

No action possible.



When Colt-owned numbers are ported out from Colt’s network


All except DE

When a ported-in number is ported out of Colt’s network and is transferred to new operator


All except DE

When a ported-in number is ported out of Colt’s network and is returned to original range holder



Number Action & Transition

The below table provides status transition depending on user action and country:

Number Source



REST API (resource name)

Current cli status

Next cli status








All except IT


















All except Zone B countries

Colt System

(reservation period expiration)




(Premium Only)

All except DE


Address Update- (ADD) REST API




Colt & Ported-In



Address Update- (MODIFY) REST API































All except Zone B countries

Colt System

(quarantine expiration)











Colt System

(quarantine expiration)




All (20)


portOut (Internal only)




All (20)


portOut (Internal only)




All (20)


portOut (Internal only)



Order ID

After order creation, a unique ID [orderID] will be returned to you.

orderID follows the below pattern and format:



32 character long (128 bit)



Maximum length

36, including ‘-’ characters




Order Status

Your order will have a status [orderStatus], that will vary over the time and the scenarios.

Non porting related orders have a 2 steps update: ‘In progress’, from order creation until completion, and then the final status.

Please find below orderStatus and description:



Next action

In progress

Your order is in progress, usually the first step.

No action required.


Your order has been completed.

No action required.

Failed with error

This error, also known as a business error

Occurs when you have submitted incorrect information.

Please review the error message, correct and resubmit the request.

Please note: If a failure occurs whilst updating the Emergency Database for the order types below, a message: “Your order is technically completed and pending for emergency database update" will be shared as a new Order Description.  Order types are:-

  • Activation
  • Deactivation
  • Address Update
  • Reactivation
  • Port-In
  • Port-Out

Email notifications will be triggered for Port-In and Port-Out orders with the same message. Post the successful completion of an order which reflects the successful update of the Emergency Database, the order description will be updated to: “Request has been processed successfully.”

Applicable for all countries except DE, DK and Zone B.

Porting related orders have multiple updates, at each key order milestone.

  • For port updates, Colt API will return a new orderID, named ‘Child Order ID’.
  • Please track child orderID to get status of the update (mainly for cancellation & date change) and please continue to track parent ID to get order status.

Please refer to porting sections for more information.

Please find below list of the ones applicable to Port-In orders:




Validation In Progress

All except NL

Order validation is pending at Colt end. Status is applicable:

  • As first status after order submission.
  • After customer has provided additional, i.e., after ‘Customer feedback awaited’

Submitted to operator


The order has been sent to releasing operator for port negotiation.

Firm order commitment


Order has been confirmed by the losing operator with:

  • The First Possible Date (FPD) in the Netherlands (usually within the next 48 hours).
    • FPD is the soonest date numbers can be ported-in. It can be any day within the next 120 calendar days.
    • Please note that an overall FPD will be returned for order with multiple ranges and different FPD.
    • You can schedule the port (optional).
  • Agreed port date & window in the other countries.

Ready for porting Initiation


Once the FPD is reached, order status will change automatically to ‘Ready for Porting Initiation’.

You can initiate or schedule the Port within the next 90 calendar days.

Please note that order will automatically expire 90 calendar days after FPD if port has not been initiated.

Email notification will be sent 10 days before expiration, every day until expiration.

Porting initiated

All except NL

Port has been initiated by Colt.



Port has been completed.

No further action possible.

Customer feedback awaited

All except NL

Additional information is required by Colt and/or the releasing operator.

Please note order will expire after 72 hours if no update provided by customer.


All except NL

Port has been delayed before the initiation of porting. Colt will provide the reason.

Porting Completion Delayed

All except NL

Port has been delayed after the initiation of porting. Colt will provide the reason.


All except NL

Order automatically expires after:

  • 90 calendar days after the FPD if initiation has not been performed in the Netherlands.
  • 72 hours for order in ‘Customer Feedback Awaited’ status (i.e. if you have not provided updates to the order) in the other countries.

No further action will be possible.



Order has been cancelled. No further action will be possible.



Order has been rejected by Colt. Rejection code and reason will be shared.

No further action will be possible.

Porting failed

All except NL

The port has been rolled back to the releasing operator.

No further action will be possible.

For more details on Porting, please click here.

Port-In in the Netherlands

The below diagram provides a view of order status transition based on API action:

NL port in

Please note that Port-In process is fully automated with direct connection to National Porting Database (COIN). Colt Porting Desk only manages complex and Out of Hours orders.


Port-In in the Other Countries

The below diagram provides a view of order status transition based on API action:

port in other

When a port-out request will be received by Colt from another provider, Colt will create a portOut order and notification will be sent to you. In some countries, you will be asked to confirm or reject the request.

Port Out Order Status

port-out order might have additional status [orderStatus] than the ones described in the section 2.5.

Please find below list of the ones applicable to port-out orders:





All except AT, BE, DE, CH, NL

In countries where your confirmation is not required, this will be the order status, mainly until port-out completion.

Number status will be ‘Port out In progress/ Transfer In progress / Return In progress’.

Customer feedback awaited


In countries where your confirmation is required, this will be the first order status. You will be asked to accept or reject the request.

Colt will automatically accept the request on your behalf after 2 working days.

Daily reminders will be sent to you to accept the port out request once the order is created in “Customer feedback awaited” status.

Number status will be ‘Port out In progress/ Transfer In progress / Return In progress’.

Customer feedback awaited


In countries where your confirmation is required, this will be the first order status. You will be asked to accept or reject the request.

Colt will automatically accept the request on your behalf after 5 working days

Daily reminders will be sent to you to accept the port out request once the order is created in “Customer feedback awaited” status.

Number status will be ‘Port out In progress/ Transfer In progress / Return In progress’.

Customer feedback awaited


In NL, where your confirmation is required, this will be the first order status. You will be asked to accept or reject the request.

You will have 2 working days to:

  • Accept the request and provide the First Possible Date (FPD) for the Port-Out,
  • Decline the request with the relevant blocking code.

Same as port-in, FPD is the soonest numbers can be ported-out and should be any day within the next 120 calendar days.

Please note that Colt will automatically accept the request and set the FPD to the next business day on your behalf after 48 hours.

Number status will be ‘Port out In progress/ Transfer In progress / Return In progress’.



Applicable in countries where your confirmation is required.

If you reject the request, this will be the final status.

Please always share the rejection reason. No further action.



Applicable in countries where your confirmation is required.

If you accept the request, this will be the next status, until order completion or update.

Number status will remain in ‘Port out In progress/ Transfer In progress / Return In progress’.

Firm Order Commitment


In NL, after you have accepted the request, the order will be in this status until the First Possible Date (FPD) is reached

– or order cancelled.

Ready for porting initiation


In NL, when the First Possible Date (FPD) is reached, the status will be changed automatically,

and the gaining operator will be able to initiate the port during the next 90 calendar days.

Without action during this period, order will expire.



Gaining operator did not request the port. No further action.

Port initiated


When the gaining operator has requested the port.

Port Out initiated

All except NL

When the port-out is initiated from Colt or the Gaining Operator



Order has been cancelled. No further action.



Port completed. Number is not live on your service anymore.

Rollback can be requested for all countries (except NL) by reaching out to Colt’s local porting desk.

If the Rollback request is accepted by Colt, then the port-out order will move to ‘confirmed’ status and number status

will be ‘Port out In progress/ Transfer In progress / Return In progress’.

Please note: All DE port out orders raised by a registered DE reseller will move to ‘Customer Feedback Awaited’ status and will require confirmation/rejection from the registered DE reseller. If no response received, an order will automatically move to Confirmed status after 5 working days


You can update port-in/out orders using portUpdate/order API.

 Port-In Date Change in all countries except NL & IT

Below image provides you high level flow:

date update

  • A child orderID will be generated, with orderStatus = Validation In Progress.
  • Parent orderID will remain in the same status until update completion.

Following process completion, child & parent orderStatus will be updated as per the below:


Child orderStatus Update

Parent orderStatus Update

Request accepted by Colt


Submitted to operator

Request rejected by Colt


No status change

  • Request can only be performed when orderStatus = ‘Validation in progress’, ‘Firm order commitment’ & ‘Customer feedback awaited’.
  • Please note that when orderStatus = ‘Firm order commitment’, a date change can only be requested at the latest 2 working days before the agreed port date in all Zone A countries (except FR), 3 working days in Finland, 4 working days in France & other Zone B countries.

Modify Port in all countries except NL


The API allows you to modify your port when the order moves to the ‘Customer feedback awaited’ status. This includes, modify porting date/window, current operator details, CLI list, main billing number, add new attachments and notes.

  • A child orderID will be generated, with orderStatus = In Progress.
  • Parent orderID will remain in the same status until update completion. Post completion of child order, parent order will move to Validation in progress status.

Cancellation in all countries except NL

The API allows you to request cancellation of your order. Cancellation has to be approved by Colt Porting Desk.

Below image provides you high level flow:

cancel port











  • A child orderID will be generated, with orderStatus = Validation In Progress.
  • Parent orderID will remain in the same status until update completion.

Following process completion, child & parent orderStatus will be updated as per the below:


Child orderStatus Update

Parent orderStatus Update

Request accepted by Colt



Request rejected by Colt


No status change

  • Request can only be performed when orderStatus = ‘Validation in progress’, ‘Submitted to operator’, ‘Firm order commitment’ & ‘Customer feedback awaited’.
  • Please note that when orderStatus = ‘Firm order commitment’, cancellation can only be requested at the latest 4 working days before the agreed port date in Norway, Czech Republic, Poland, Romania and Slovakia, 3 working days before the agreed port date in Luxembourg, Finland and 2 working days before the agreed port date in the Zone A countries.

You can cancel the reservation of reserved numbers or deactivate any activated/port-in activated numbers using the return/order API.




Only if cliStatus = Reserved

  • Number will be removed from your inventory and go back to free status.

Only if cliStatus = Activated or PortIn_Activated.

Number will either enter the quarantine period or be returned to the range holder.

Network configuration will be removed, and number will not be reachable.

Deactivation journey of NL 088 numbers/ranges.

  • 088 deactivation is immediate upon submission without the 2 month (quarantine) period
  • Deactivation lead time in regulatory database is 3 working days (day of submission not counted).
  • Completion will be confirmed/notified to you as soon as numbers are removed from Colt network and on the receipt of the Ack from PTXS upon submission of the deactivation request
  • No re-instate or re-activation is possible once deactivation is submitted
  • Numbers will be updated as ‘Returned’

ADD & MODIFY using address update APIs (NL)

Below are for the Netherlands only:-

  • End Customer Details and the Directory Services entry  are Mandatory for Activation, Portin and Address update (ADD) scenarios.
    • As the Emergency address is optional, then the end customer details will be populated in the emergency database (if the emergency address is not provided)
    • If the Emergency address is provided, then no LAC validation will be done on the emergency address and it will be populated in the emergency database
    • LAC validation applies to the End Customer address only

  • Emergency Address is optional in Address update (action=ADD).
    • If the Emergency address is provided, then no LAC validation will be done on the emergency address and it will be populated in the emergency database

  • In an Address Update(Modify) request the customer can include any or ALL of these as conditional mandatory:
    • Directory Services entry, and/or
    • the End Customer Address and/or
    • the Emergency Address.
    • If the Emergency address is provided, then it will be populated in the emergency database.  Any new or updated Emergency address will be validated before it is accepted.  LAC validation does not apply to emergency address.
    • LAC validation applies to the End Customer address only

  • ADD operation is only applicable to Premium customers and MODIFY is applicable for both Standard and Premium customers.

Phonebook Publication

In Belgium, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Sweden, Netherlands, Spain, Austria and UK, Colt APIs allows you to provide and update Directory Service as well.

In the Netherlands, you can use the activation, Port-In and address update functionality to provide new or additional Address and Directory Services information at an order and/or at a CLI level.

Please refer to below table while submitting the request for these countries.


End customer Details & address +

Directory Services update

(BE, ES, SE)

End customer Details & address +

Directory Services update


Emergency Address


End customer Details & address

(IE, IT, PT, UK, CH)

Directory Services update

(IE, IT, PT, UK, CH)



Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable

Not applicable




Not applicable













any or ALL of these as conditional mandatory:

  • Directory Services entry, and/or
  • the End Customer Address and/or
  • Emergency Address

any or ALL of these as conditional mandatory:

  • Directory Services entry, and/or
  • the End Customer Address

any or ALL of these as conditional mandatory:

  • Directory Services entry, and/or
  • the End Customer Address

Below is the TMF compliant error payload:


  "code": "ERR01",

  "reason": "string",

  "message": "string"


Error Codes

Below are the error codes which comes as the part of API response


HTTP response Code






Bad request


OAS validation failed

{APIGW error message}

e.g: Mandatory field missing, pattern not matching, The request is missing APIGWTrackingId.

Colt will return a HTTP-400 error when the request is malformed or invalid. See the message of the error for tips before trying again.


Validation not met

The mandatory parameter/node <> is missing.

Allowed length of <field name> in <country name> is <max allowed length> only.

Allowed pattern of <field name> in <country name> is <>.

<>field only accepts numbers in E164 format.

Maximum allowed ranges/CLI is <>  (1 for all customers and 20 for Microsoft)

Please refer to field wise validation message in next table.




Authentication error

The authorization parameter is missing.

Colt will return a HTTP-401 error when the specified user’s authorization parameter is either invalid or missing or expired. Ensure the provided credentials are valid.


Authentication error

Invalid token.


Authentication error

Token expired.


Authentication error

The ClientID/Application ID + country is not valid.




 Resource forbidden

The client application is not authorized to call this resource.

Colt will return a HTTP-403 error when the user does not have access to the API.


Not found


Resource not found

The requested URI or the requested resource does not exist

Colt will returns a HTTP-404 error when the path is not found. Ensure the request path provided is correct.


Method not supported


Method not allowed

The requested method is not allowed for this resource.

Colt will return a HTTP-405 error when the HTTP method used in the request is invalid. Check the allowed HTTP methods for this endpoint


Unsupported Media Type


Unsupported media type

The format of the posted body is not supported by the endpoint.

Colt will returns a HTTP-415 error when the content-type of the request is incorrect. Ensure the request header contains Content-Type: ‘application/x-www-form-urlencoded’ and try again.


Too many requests


Rate limit exceeded

The application has made too many calls and has exceeded the rate limit for this service

Colt will returns a HTTP-429 error when the rate limit has been reached.


Internal server error


Internal server error

The server encountered an unexpected error and is unable to process the request at this time

Colt will return a HTTP-500 Error when an unknown error occurs. If you receive a HTTP-500 error from the Colt API


Service unavailable


service unavailable

The service is temporarily unavailable

Backend unavailable.

Colt will return a HTTP-503 error if the service is unavailable for some reason, such as when there are no servers available to serve the request or if the system is at capacity. 


Gateway timeout


Gateway timeout

Gateway timeout

System timed out talking to downstream system


Please click here to access Wholesale SIP documents like the Service Matrix, Numbers on Demand user guide and release notes. 

Please click on 'API Documents' on the left to find the OAS specification and sample API requests and responses.

Voice Authorization- OAuth 2.0

API to generate an access token to authorize Voice Wholesale SIP API calls.

API details





Maturity status


Endpoint (Production)


Endpoint (Sandbox)



Errors returned by Auth API

Http response




details (for reference only)


Bad request


Validation not met

The request is missing authorization parameter.

The request is missing authorization parameter


Validation not met

The request is missing grant_type.

The request is missing grant_type


Validation not met

The request is missing content_type header

The request is missing content_type header


Validation not met

The request is missing x-tracking-id.

The request is missing x-tracking-id


Validation not met

Invalid input parameter

The request contains

  1. unsupported parameters
  2. Multiple credentials
  3. More than one mechanism for authenticating


Validation not met

The authorization grant type is not supported by authorization server

The authorization grant type is not supported by authorization server




Authentication error

The authorization parameter is missing.

Client authentication failed due to no client authentication included in the request.


Authentication error

The authorization parameter is not valid.

Client authentication failed due to unsupported authentication method other than Basic.


Unsupported Media Type


Validation not met

The format of the posted body is not supported by the endpoint.

The format of the posted body is not supported by the endpoint.


Internal server error


Internal error

An unknown internal error occurred

Generic failure message used if no more precise code can be provided.


internal error

O Auth server failed.

The server failed to generate access token


Service unavailable



service unavailable

The service is temporarily unavailable

Backend unavailable.

OAuth 2.0 is the industry-standard protocol for authorization.  This API returns an JSON web token (JWT) which is required to authorize API calls for a given app.

You can request up to 5 CLIENT_ID + CLIENT_Secret per company account.

API features

  • access tokens generated by this API are valid for a limited period (30 mins) which is returned in the API response.
  • If the token expires, this API will need to be called again.

Connectivity and Price API

Use Connectivity and Price APIs to check the availability of connectivity services and get real-time quotes.


How to get access to this API?

If you are a Colt customer then please contact your Account Executive.

How to use this API

Click below to download the API user guide.


Not a customer yet?

Contact our Sales Team  


On demand platform supports custom build API, the "SDN API". They allow customers to order and configure data connectivity services and bypass the traditional service delivery process. They provide on demand ethernet, ipaccess and cloud connectivity solution. The API supports bandwidth flexing, boosting the existing bandwidth, port diversity. The connection can also be ceased using the API. We now support connectivity to offnet locations as well.

How to get access to this API?

If you are a Colt customer then please contact your Account Executive.


What is the onboarding process?

Your Account Executive will request the logins for the sandbox account. AE will share the details with you.

The sandbox environment has production like features and you are free to test any use case using the APIs. Our devops team will support you during this period.

Once you are ready with API development and want to move to production , the Account executive has to raise separate registration request that creates Colt online logins and On demand platform credentials. 

How to get support for this API?

You can use the support option available in On-demand portal   for post-production support.

Not a customer yet?

Contact our Sales Team  

How to Try the API?

To try the API and different operations please use On demand API Documentation  


Colt On Demand Solutions

Colt On Demand Service is the solution for your business sites to cloud computing, disaster recovery, business continuity planning, content delivery, applications and host of other remotely-based IT services.

OnDemand platform provide below main product offerings.

  • Ethernet on Demand - On Demand connectivity to private enterprise locations Extends On Demand offering to 25,000+ enterprise buildings across Europe and APAC Supports data centre to Enterprise and Enterprise to Enterprise connectivity Supports on-net and near-net locations. On Demand connectivity between data centres.800+ Data Centres with shared equipment areas in Europe, APAC and the US 200+ data centres that support real time delivery

  • Cloud On Demand - connectivity into the cloud. Connectivity from data centre & Enterprise buildings into the public cloud Both API enabled hosted connectivity and dedicated port connectivity to the cloud Available for Microsoft Azure, ExpressRoute, Amazon Web Services Direct Connect, Google Cloud Partner Interconnect, IBM Direct Link and Oracle FastConnect

  • IP Access on Demand - On Demand internet connectivity. Connectivity from data entre & Enterprise buildings into the public internet Customers benefit from Colt’s carrier grade internet access service with additional On Demand features such as flexible commercials and real time upgrades Initially only available in Europe, up to 1Gbps

  • Cross-connects. In Datacentres / Carrier Hotels, Colt delivers the ports to a shared location CEA / MMR. It is the customer responsibility to order a cross-connect from the CEA/MMR to their own equipment. This can be ordered directly by the customer with the data centre provider or via Colt at selected locations. Only available for optical ports.

Product Structure

Colt On Demand is based on components which can be used to build end to end services. These components are re-usable and distinct, with attributes specific to each component such as bandwidth and contract term. The components available are:

  1. Ethernet ports
  2. Ethernet connections
  3. Cloud ports
  4. Cloud connections
  5. IP Access connections
  6. Cross connect

The Use-cases section describes how to achieve these functionalities using different APIs.By combining 2 or more of the above components any network topology can be created, from a simple point to point ethernet link or internet access at one location to complex mesh network topologies. For some examples on how to provision the most common network service topologies please refer to the ‘End to end use cases’ section.


API Security

All the Colt SDN APIs are protected by SSL/TLS encryption, so when you call them you should ensure your client code is using this mechanism. The APIs need secured token which has to be provided with every request to access them.

Generic Response Code

The following table shows how and when response codes must be used within the API.


  Code Use This When
1 200 - OK GET- data retrieved successfully.
2 201 -Created

PUT – Data inserted successfully.
PATCH- Data amended successfully
POST- Data inserted successfully
DELETE- Data deleted successfully

3 204 No Content Empty Content



   Code Indicates
1 400 Bad Request Invalid client request
2 401 Unauthorized Client credentials not verified
3 403 Forbidden The client does not have access to the content
4 404 Data Not Found     The server cannot find the requested resource.



We use the following rules when versioning:

  1. Most of the existing APIs use version as an optional parameter.
  2. When updating an existing endpoint, we add a new endpoint with a /v2/... (or /v3, etc) prefix. We do this under the following circumstances:
    When a new mandatory attribute is added or an existing optional attribute is made mandatory. When an existing attribute is removed (optional or mandatory).
    The original endpoint and schema object remain unchanged. We will support up to 3 versions of an endpoint and we will supply 6 months’ notice to all registered users before we retire an endpoint version.


This section describes the APIs and the endpoints that are used in different process steps as mentioned in the introduction section.

End points

Use new API v2/port/services to create,modify,delete and retrieve Ethernet port

Ethernet ports

Under the On Demand model, ports are a separate component - unlike the traditional data networking model where ports are an integral part of a circuit connection. All On Demand ports are capable of supporting multiple service types, using VLAN segregation. Example use cases include:

  • Multicloud – multiple cloud connections terminating on the same physical On Demand port at the customer site
  • NNI for Ethernet Virtual Private Line – multiple Ethernet connections aggregated on the same physical port for service provider handoff
  • Enterprise multi service – internet access, data centre connections and multiple cloud connections to support typical enterprise WAN services.
    Colt supports a full range of physical 1Gbps, 10Gbps & 100Gbps port specifications. Please note diversity and resilience options for Ethernet Ports are not available via the On Demand platform.
    This section describes the APIs used to retrieve list and associated data, create, modify and delete an Ethernet port.

Add an Ethernet Port

To add an Ethernet port use following sets of APIs.
Step1. To search for a building from customer address book Use GET api/locations/ or to search from global database use GET /api/global_directory/address which uses city, country, building name, street name, post code or google place identifier (this is retrieved from google maps for more information refer https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/examples/places-placeid-finder) as optional query parameter. Count is set to 100 to retrieve first 100 records

Step2. Existing site:
Once you identified the building where a port has to be installed next search for the site. Use GET api/building/{building_id}/site to retrieve the site details along with capacity available at the site. This results in retrieving Logical port speed , port interface and connector.

Step3. Retrieve price for selected product using GET api/prices?service_type={service_type}&building_id={building identifier}&product_id= {product_id} where service_type is ETHERNETPORTand building identifier or location identifier is retrieved from Step1 and product_id from Step2

Step4. Existing capacity
Finally use POST /api/v2/port/services with payload

  "price_id": ,
  "site_id": "",
  "port_name": ""


where price_id is retrieved from above Step3, location_id from /global_directory and port_name is given name of the new port. The API returns the request and service identifier.

New capacity
If the capacity is not available, first create a temporary site in the given building by using POST /api/locations using the payload

 "building_id": "",
 "site_floor": "",
 "site_room_name": ""


Use GET api/products?service_type=ETHERNETPORT&location_id={location_id} to retrieve the products that are available at that building where the location_id is the the temporary site id

Next retrieve price for selected product using GET api/prices?service_type={service_type}&building_id={building identifier}&product_id= {product_id} where service_type is ETHERNETPORT and building identifier or location identifier is temporary site created earlier

Next create the port using the same endpoint /api/v2/port/services used in existing capacity with payload given below

  "site_access_price_id": ,
  "name": "",
  "price_id": ,
  "site_access_details": {
    "access_out_of_hours": true,
    "notice_required_days": "0",
    "site_contact": {
      "email": "",
      "name": "",
      "phone": ""
    "technical_contact": {
      "email": "",
      "name": "",
      "phone": ""
    "technical_contact_company": "string",
    "user_contact": {
      "email": "",
      "name": "",
      "phone": ""
  "site_id": ""


where site_access_price_id can be retrived using GET /api/prices?service_type=SITEPORT&location_id={location_id}, price_id is the price associated with the ethernet port and site_access_details are details assoicated with the site.

Refer a flowchart below for the process steps.

The referenced media source is missing and needs to be re-embedded.


The referenced media source is missing and needs to be re-embedded.

Rename an Ethernet port

Use PATCH /api/v2/port/services/{port_id} to Rename the port. Provide new port_name as payload

Delete an Ethernet Port

Use DELETE /api/v2/port/services/{port_id} to Delete the port.

List Ethernet ports

Use GET /api/v2/port/services to retrieve all the ports

Retrieve a single Ethernet Port information

Use GET /api/v2/port/services/{port_id} to retrieve data of an individual port. Products, prices, address details are the key set of information retrieved from the API.

Download Letter of Authority

Use POST /api/v2/port/services/{port_id}/loa endpoint and provide issued_to as payload to get the LOA

Use GET /api/v2/port/requests/

Retrieve service_id using GET /api/v2/port/services/{port_id} endpoint Next use /api/v2/connection/services and check if the service_id is associated with component_connections as from_port_id or to_port_id

Use Get /api/cross_connect and search for associated_port_id in the response object as the given port

Cloud Ports

Colt has enabled automated service orchestration with multiple cloud service providers (CSP) such as MS Azure and AWS for real-time connectivity to the cloud using existing Colt-CSP interconnects. Customers can connect from all On Demand enabled locations (including all data centres and enterprise locations) to the public cloud by reserving a Cloud port against the desired cloud provider and creating a Cloud connection to it from any existing Ethernet port. Although the process to create a cloud port is slightly different for each cloud provider, the overall On Demand cloud service model is always the same with two cloud-specific service components: a cloud port and a cloud connection to it from a standard port. Cloud connections terminate on standard ports which can be in either data centres or enterprise locations. Cloud port – to – cloud port connections are not currently supported. Customers who wish to flex the bandwidth on their cloud circuit connections are advised to over-size the cloud port to enable bandwidth to be flexed up to this limit. Below section describes the different APIs use operate on cloud ports.

MS Azure ExpressRoute

Add cloud port

To order an Azure port follow below steps-
Step 1. Go to Azure portal and create an ExpressRoute service selecting ‘Colt’ as the provider. Get a service key (UUID)
Step 2. GET api/prices?service_type=CLOUDPORT&service= AZURE_EXPRESS to retrieve all the prices for cloud provider
Step 3. Call POST api/ports with below payload

  "port_name": "Azure port",
  "price_id": <price_id>,
  "cloud_provider": "AZURE_EXPRESS",
  "azure_service_key": "< azure_service_key >"


Where port_name is given name, Price_id is retrieved from first call ,azure_service_key provided by cloud provider in Step 1.

Refer a flowchart below for the process steps.

The referenced media source is missing and needs to be re-embedded.

Rename Cloud Port

Use PUT /api/ports/{port_id} to Rename the port. Use payload name= where name= updated name and port_id is the port identifier

Delete Cloud Port

Use DELETE /api/ports/{port_id} to Delete the port where port_id is the port identifier

List Cloud Ports

Use GET api/ports to retrieve all the ports data and search for cloud_provider= "AZURE_EXPRESS” in the results

Retrieve a single Cloud Port information

Use GET /api/ports/{port_id}

Use GET /api/requests and search for resource as “PORT” for given port_id and cloud_provider= "AZURE_EXPRESS” in the results

AWS DirectConnect Dedicated Cloud Port

Dedicated cloud ports can support multiple EVPL services with different VLANs.

Add Cloud Port

To order an AWS direct connect Dedicated port follow below steps
Step 1. Log into AWS console. Select Correct region and direct connect PoP. Download Letter of Authority.
Step 2. Use GET api/cloudsites to retrieve AWS regions, interconnects data which has site_type information
Step 3. Next use GET api/prices?service_type=CLOUDPORT&service= AWS_DEDICATED&site_type={site_type} to retrieve all the prices for cloud provider
Step 4. Call POST api/ports with below payload

  "port_name": "< port_name >",
  "price_id": "<price_id>",
  "cloud_provider": "AWS_DEDICATED",
  "aws_region": "<aws_region>",
  "building_id": "<building_id>",
  "loa": loa.pdf

where port_name is given port name price_id is retrieved basis site_type and service from the prices api aws_region is region created by AWS basis the data centre in a geography e.g. Europe central1 retrieved from the /cloudsites endpoint , building_id is retrieved from the /cloudsites endpoint and loa is Letter of authority retrieved from Step 1. Note this port is not created on demand and takes time

Refer a flowchart below for the process steps.

The referenced media source is missing and needs to be re-embedded.

Rename Cloud Port

Use PUT /api/ports/{port_id} to Rename the port. Use payload name= where name= updated name and port_id is the port identifier

Delete Cloud Port

Use DELETE /api/ports/{port_id} to Delete the port where port_id is the port identifier

List Cloud Ports

Use GET api/ports to retrieve all the ports and search for cloud_provider= " AWS_DEDICATED” in the results

Retrieve Cloud Port information

Use GET /api/ports/{port_id}

Use GET /api/requests and search for resource as “PORT” for given port_id and cloud_provider= " AWS_DEDICATED” in the results

AWS DirectConnect Hosted Cloud Port

Hosted cloud ports can only have 1 connection at a time and no VLAN config can be done on the cloud port end.

Add Cloud Port

Step 1.
Log into AWS console. Select Correct region and direct connect PoP. Generate the AWS Account number.
Step 2.
Use GET api/cloudsites to retrieve AWS regions, interconnects data which has site_type , region and building_id information Step 3.
Next use GET /api/prices?service_type=CLOUDPORT&service=AWS_HOSTED&region={region_id}&building_id={building_id} to retrieve price for the given Region, Location and Bandwidth Step 4.
Call POSTapi/ports with below payload

  "port_name": "< port_name >",
  "price_id": "<price_id>",
  "cloud_provider": "AWS_HOSTED",
  "aws_account_no": "<aws_account_no>",
  "building_id": "<building_id>",
  "aws_region": ",<aws_region>"

where port_name is given port name price_id is retrieved from the prices api aws_account_no is provided by AWS in Step 1. aws_region Regions created by AWS basis the data centre in a geography e.g. Europe central 1 building_id is retrieved from the api/cloudsites endpoint.
Refer a flowchart below for the process steps.

The referenced media source is missing and needs to be re-embedded.

Rename Cloud Port

Use PUT /api/ports/{port_id}to Rename the port. Use payload name= where name= updated name and port_id is the port identifier

Delete Cloud Port

Use DELETE /api/ports/{port_id} to Delete the port where port_id is the port identifier

List Cloud Ports

Use GET api/ports to retrieve all the ports and search for cloud_provider= " AWS_HOSTED” in the result

Retrieve a single Cloud Port information

Use GET api/ports/{port_id} where port_id is the identifier for the port

Use GET /api/requests and search for resource as “PORT” for given port_id and cloud_provider= " AWS_HOSTED” in the result

Google Cloud Partner Interconnect

Add Cloud Port

To order Google cloud partner interconnect port follow same steps
Step 1. Login to Google Cloud Platform portal. Choose colt as provider. Generate pairing key. Use following steps to create Google cloud port. If the pairing key is partially activated after creating a port using the API, key has to be activated again by login to google platform
Step 2. Use GET api/cloudsites to retrieve Google regions, interconnects data which has site_type , region and building_id information
Step 3. Next use GET /api/prices?service_type=CLOUDPORT&service=GOOGLE_CLOUD&region={region}&building_id={building_id} to retrieve price for the given Region, Location and Bandwidth
Step 4. Call POST api/google/service/port with below payload

  " port_name ": "< port_name>",
  " price_id ": "< price_id >",
  " cloud_provider ": " GOOGLE_CLOUD ",
  " cloud_region ": "< cloud_region >",
  " csp_key ": "< csp_key>",
  "building_id": ",building_id>",

where port_name is given port name price_id is retrieved from the prices api csp_key is of format uuid/region/zone provided by Google to the customer in Step 1. cloud_region Regions created by Google basis the data centre in a geography e.g. Asia pacific southeast 1 building_id is building identifier and both retrieved from the /cloudsites endpoint
Refer a flowchart below for the process steps.


Rename Cloud Port

Use PUT /api/google/service/port/{port_id} to rename Google port

Delete Cloud Port

DELETE /api/google/service/port/{port_id} to delete the port

List Cloud Ports

Use GET /api/google/service/port

Retrieve a single Cloud Port information

Use GET api/google/service/port/{port_id}

Use GET api/google/request/port to retrieve Google port requests data. Retrieve the service Id using the session id and that can be used to retrieve the related requests

IBM Cloud DirectConnect

Add Cloud Port

To order IBM cloud port follow following steps
Step 1. Login to IBM portal.Select location then “Colt" as provider.Select the port bandwidth ( 50Mbps and 5Gbps).Select the rounting and the get the key. Enter the BGP routing details.Once the FastConnect service has been created, customers will be assigned a Service Key – this will be required to create a cloud port.
Step 2. Use GET /api/prices?service_type=CLOUDPORT&service=IBM_CLOUD to retrieve price for the given Region, Location and Bandwidth
Step 3. Call POST api/ibm/service/port with below payload

  " port_name ": "< port_name>",
  " price_id ": "< price_id >",
  " cloud_provider ": " IBM_CLOUD ",
  " cloud_region ": "< cloud_region >",
  " csp_key ": "< csp_key>"

where port_name is given port name price_id is retrieved from the prices api csp_key is provided by IBM to the customer in Step 1. cloud_region is not needed for IBM cloud
Refer a flowchart below for the process steps.

The referenced media source is missing and needs to be re-embedded.

Rename Cloud Port

Use PUT /api/ibm/service/port/{port_id} to rename IBM port

Delete Cloud Port

DELETE /api/ibm/service/port/{port_id} to delete the port

List Cloud ports

Use GET /api/ibm/service/port to retrieve list of IBM Ports and related information

Retrieve a single Cloud Port information

Use GET api/ibm/service/port/{port_id}

Use GET api/ibm/request/port to retrieve IBM port requests data

Oracle Cloud FastConnect

Add Cloud Port

To order Oracle cloud port follow following steps
Step 1. Login to Oracle cloud portal.Select “Oracle Provider” and then “Colt DCA”.Select a “Private/Public” domain.Enter the FastConnect port bandwidth (1G-10G) Enter the BGP routing details.Once the FastConnect service has been created, customers will be assigned a Service Key – this will be required to create a cloud port.
Step 2. Use GET /api/prices?service_type=CLOUDPORT&service=ORACLE_CLOUD&region={region}&building_id={building_id} to retrieve price for the given Region, Location and Bandwidth
Step 3. Call POST api/oracle/service/port with below payload

  " port_name ": "< port_name>",
  " price_id ": "< price_id >",
  " cloud_provider ": " ORACLE_CLOUD ",
  " cloud_region ": "< cloud_region >",
  " csp_key ": "< csp_key>"
  "building_id": "<building_id>"

where port_name is given port name price_id is retrieved from the prices api csp_key is provided by Oracle as described in Step 1. cloud_region is the region chosen when the port was created
Refer a flowchart below for the process steps.

The referenced media source is missing and needs to be re-embedded.


Rename Cloud Port

Use PUT /api/oracle/service/port/{port_id} to rename oracle port

Delete Cloud Port

DELETE /api/oracle/service/port/{port_id} to delete the port

List Cloud ports

Use GET /api/oracle/service/port to retrieve all Oracle ports

Retrieve single port data

Use GET /api/oracle/service/port/{port_id}

Use GET api/oracle/request/port to retrieve all the request

Equinix Fabric Interconnect

Add Cloud Port

To order an Equinix cloud port follow following steps
Step 1. Login to Equinix interface. Create Fabric interconnect service choosing Colt as a provider. Generate a service key.Use the SDN API.
Step 2. Use GET api/cloudsites to retrieve Equinix regions, interconnects data which has site_type , region and building_id information
Step 3. Next use GET /api/prices?service_type=CLOUDPORT&service=EQUINIX_CLOUD&region={region}&building_id={building_id} to retrieve price for the given Region, Location and Bandwidth
Step 4. Call POST /api/v2/equinix/services with below payload

  "price_id": <price_id>,
  "cloud_provider": "EQUINIX_CLOUD",
  "name": "<port_name>",
  "csp_key": "<csp_key>",
  "building_id": "<building_id>",
  "cloud_region": "<cloud_region>"


where price_id is retrieved from the prices api port_name is Port name given by customer csp_key is key provided by cloud provider to customer building_id is retrieved from cloudsites api cloud_region e.g. am for Amsterdam retrieved from cloudsites api

Rename Cloud Port

Use PATCH /api/v2/equinix/services/{id} to Rename the port with pay load {"new_name":"Equinixcloudport 11"} Where port id is port identification number and new_name is updated name

Delete Cloud Port

Use DELETE /api/v2/equinix/services/{id} to Delete the port

List Cloud ports

Use GET /api/v2/equinix/services to retrieve all ports data

Retrieve single port data

Use GET /api/v2/equinix/services/{id} to retrieve single port details

Use GET /v2/equinix/request/{id} get request data for particular port identifier
Refer a flowchart below for the process steps.

The referenced media source is missing and needs to be re-embedded.


Use new API v2/connection/services to create,modify,delete and retrieve Ethernet connection

Ethernet connections

Connections are circuits that are routed between two On Demand ports. On Demand ports can be dynamically configured to support either Ethernet Private Line (“point to point”) based on transparent handover or Ethernet Virtual Private Line “(hub and spoke”) services based on a VLAN handover.

EPL and EVPL are not treated as different service types in the On Demand platform, although the services are configured differently.

On Demand connections support bandwidths between 10Mbps and 20Gbps. Higher bandwidths are available on request. The supported bandwidth of an On Demand circuit connection is based on the bandwidth of the ports at the A and B end points. This applies to both fixed term and flexible contracts.

For point to point (EPL) services where the A end and B end port speeds are equal, the circuit connection bandwidth is based on bandwidth ranges that are related to the speed of both ports.

The bandwidths that are supported for EPL configurations are 1 to 10 Gbps port range for all locations and 40 to 100Gbps port range for Key Data centre

For EVPL services the maximum circuit connection bandwidth is determined by the lower “unused” bandwidth on each port. For example, the supported bandwidth range for a circuit connection routed between a 10Gbps NNI and a 1Gbps B end port is 10Mbps-1Gbps (i.e. the range associated with the lower speed port).


  Service type VLAN config
1 Point to Point(EPL) P-P
2 Hub and Spoke(EVPL) X-P
3 EVPL(mesh) filtering at spoke X-F
4 Ethernet line F-F

Connections have three VLAN modes, which apply to each end of the circuit connection:

Mode Application Description
Open port (P) 1 circuit connection per port Port based handover, all VLANs are passed transparently
Add VLAN(X) Multiple circuit connections per port (Colt adds VLAN tag) VLAN based handover, 1 VLAN per Connection. VLAN added on egress, towards customer (in translation mode). VLAN can be S-VLAN (88a8) or C-VLAN (8100)
Filter VLAN(F) Multiple circuit connections per port (Colt filters VLAN tags) VLAN filtered on ingress to Colt network (against a single VLAN number).

The supported combinations are shown in the below table (A end and B ends can be used interchangeably).

A-end open port Add VLAN Add VLAN Add VLAN Filter VLAN
B-end open port Open port Add VLAN Filter VLAN Filter VLAN
Description Standard Ethernet Private Line (EPL)configuration Ethernet Virtual Private Line (EVPL)configuration port Ethernet Virtual Private Line (EVPL),hub presenstation at both ends Ethernet Virtual Private Line (EVPL),with VLAN filetering at spoke site As per scenario 3 above, except VLAN IDs are preserved(same at each end)
Equivalent Colt service Ethernet Line(EPL) Ethernet Hub and Spoke N/A MEF Access EVPL Ethernet Line

This section describes the APIs that are used to create, manage and cease Ethernet connections.

Create an Ethernet Connection

An Ethernet connection can be ordered only between two Ethernet ports . This section describes steps needed to create an Ethernet connections with bare minimum attributes. Specific case is discussed in Use cases section.
Step 1. Use GET /api/v2/port/services to find out the ports .
Step 2. Next retrieve the prices and products for connecting 2 ports using GET api/prices?service_type=ETHERNETCIRCUIT&from_port_id={from_port_id}&to_port_id={to_port_id} where the from and to port ids are retrieved from the earlier API call.
Step 3. To make a connection request, use POST /api/v2/connection/services the payload consists of

"from_port_id": "<from_port_id>",
"from_vlans": {
    "vlan_mapping": "<vlan_mapping>",
    "vlan_type": "<vlan_type>",
    "vlan_id": vlan_id
"name": "<connection_name>",
"price": {
    "price_id": <price_id>
"to_port_id": "<to_port_id>",
"to_vlans": {
    "vlan_mapping": "<vlan_mapping>",
    "vlan_type": "<vlan_type>",
    "vlan_id": vlan_id


Where connection_name is the name given to the connection, from_vlans and to_vlans has vlan_mapping e.g., “X” or “P” or “F”,vlan_type e.g. “S” or “C” (VLAN can be S-VLAN (88a8) or C-VLAN (8100) and vlanid ranging from 1 to 4094

Rename Ethernet Connection

Use PUT /api/v2/connection/services/{connection_id} to update the name of Ethernet connection with payload as name which is updated connection name

Delete Ethernet Connection

Use DELETE api/v2/connection/services/{connection_id} to delete an Ethernet

List Ethernet connections

Use GET api/v2/connection/services endpoint

Retrieve single Ethernet Connection Information

Use GET api/v2/connection/{connection_id}

Use GET /api/v2/connection/requests

Modify Bandwidth

Customer have an option to modify bandwidth OnDemand. The charges are based on the number of changes done. E.g. if 10MB service is advanced to 1GB for 20 minutes we charge for 1 hour.If the changes are made twice in a month.
Use PUT /api/v2/connection/services/{connection_id} to update the bandwidth by providing price_id which can be retrieved using GET /api/prices?service_type=ETHERNETCIRCUIT&connection_id={connection_id} and setting the appropriate coterminus_option

Modify VLAN configuration

Use PUT /api/v2/connection/services/{connection_id} to update the VLAN parameters connection with payload with updated VLAN parameters

Modify Contractual Commitment

Use GET /api/prices?version=1&service_type=ETHERNETCIRCUIT&connection_id={connection_id}&version={updated_version_id}

Step 2.
Use PUT api/connection/services/{connection_id} with payload

  "price_id": <price_id>,
  "coterminus_option": <coterminus_option>

Schedule Bandwidth Changes

This is only available for services with no commitment.
Retrieve prices using /api/prices?service_type=ETHERNETCIRCUIT&connection_id={connection_id} Use POST /api/schedule with payload

  "price_id": <price_id>,
  "connection_id": " <connection_id>",
  "event_frequency": "< event_frequency>",
  "event_date": "<event_date>"

Where event_frequency could be ONE_OFF, WEEKLY, MONTHLY etc

Create Cloud Connection

There is an ethernet port which is already created at “A end “ and at the B end a cloud port is used and a connection is ordered between them.

Below APIs are used in different steps to achieve a cloud connection
Step 1. Use GET /api/ports?available=true this provides ports those are already created For Google port use GET /api/google/service/port?available=true For IBM use GET /api/ibm/service/port?available=true For Oracle use GET /api/oracle/service/port?available=true For Equinix use GET /api/v2/equinix/service
Step 2. Use GET /prices?service_type=CLOUDCIRCUIT&from_port_id={from_port_id}&to_port_id={to_port_id}&to_port_id_2={to_port_id_2} where from_port_id (Ethernet port id) and to_port_id (Cloud port id) and to_port_id_2 is a secondary port data is retrieved from the /api/ports endpoint to_port_id_2 which is he secondary port id has to be provided only for Azure connection
Step 3. Use POST /api/connections with payload as below data elements

  "price_id": <price_id>,
  "connection_name": "<connection_name>",
  "component_connections": [
      "from_port_id": "<from_port_id>",
      "to_port_id": "<to_port_id>",
      "cloud_provider_from_port": "<cloud_provider_from_port>",
      "cloud_provider_to_port": cloud_provider_to_port,
      "a_end_vlan_mapping": "<a_end_vlan_mapping>",
      "b_end_vlan_mapping": "<b_end_vlan_mapping>",
      "a_end_vlan_type": "<a_end_vlan_type>",
      "b_end_vlan_type": "<b_end_vlan_type>",
      "a_end_vlan_ids": [],
      "b_end_vlan_ids": []

For Azure use cloud_provider_from_port= AZURE_EXPRESS For Google use cloud_provider_from_port= GOOGLE_CLOUD For IBM use cloud_provider_from_port= IBM_CLOUD For Oracle use cloud_provider_from_port= ORACLE_CLOUD

For Equinix cloud cloud_provider_from_port is EQUINIX_CLOUD. For AWS Dedicated cloud_provider_from_port is AWS_DEDICATED For AWS HOSTED cloud_provider_from_port is AWS_HOSTED

Rename Cloud Connection

Use PUT /api/connections/{connection_id} to update the name of connection with payload as name which is updated connection name

Delete Cloud Connection

Use DELETE api/connections/{connection_id} to delete Cloud Connection

List Cloud connections

Use GET api/connections endpoint with attribute is_cloud_connection=true in the response

Retrieve single cloud Connection Information

Use GET api/connections/{connection_id}

Use GET /api/requests and in the result search for requests which has resource as “CONNECTION” and id is the connection id and is_cloud=true

Modify Bandwidth

Use PUT /api/connections/{connection_id} to update the bandwidth by providing price_id which can be retrieved using GET /api/prices?service_type=CLOUDCIRCUIT&connection_id=

Modify VLAN configuration

Use PUT /api/connections/{connection_id} to update the VLAN parameters connection with payload with updated VLAN parameters

Modify Contractual Commitment

Step1. Use GET /api/prices?version=1&service_type=CLOUDCIRCUIT&connection_id={connection_id}&version={updated_version_id}
Step 2. Use PUT api/connections/{connection_id} with payload

  "price_id": <price_id>,
  "coterminus_option": < coterminus_option>,
  "is_cloud_connection": < is_cloud_connection >

where is_cloud_connection = true

Schedule Bandwidth Changes

This is only available for services with no commitment.
Retrieve prices using /api/prices?service_type=CLOUDCIRCUIT&connection_id={connection_id} and use POST Use POST /api/schedule with payload

  "price_id": "<price_id>",
  "connection_id": " <connection_id>",
  "event_frequency": "< event_frequency>",
  "event_date": "<event_date>"

event_frequency could be ONE_OFF, WEEKLY, MONTHLY etc

Create IP Access Connections

IP Access provides a dedicated permanent access to the public Internet. Colt IP Access allows customers to connect business sites of all sizes to the Internet easily, efficiently and securely with guaranteed IP bandwidth. It is a wires-only service with PA IPv4 /29 addresses only and customers need to provide a router.

Add an IP Access Connection

IP Access on Demand - On Demand internet connectivity is the commercial offering supported by following set of API. The A end is Ethernet port and B end is internet connectivity.
Step 1. Use GET /api/v2/port/services to find the Ethernet ports that are already created

Step 2. Retrieve IP Access products and prices that could be available for the port using /api/prices?service_type={service_type}&from_port_id={from_port_id} where service_type= IPACCESS_CIRCUIT and from_port_id is retrieved from earlier API call

Step 3. Call POST /api/ipaccess/request with payload

  "action": "CREATE",
  "price_id": <price_id>,
  "connection_name": "<connection_name>",
  "from_port_id": "<from_port_id>",
  "port_vlan_mapping": "< port_vlan_mapping >",
  "port_vlan_type": "< port_vlan_type >",
  "port_vlan_ids": [
      "from_id_range": < from_id_range>,
      "to_id_range": < to_id_range >

where price_id retrieved from prices api, connection_name is name given to connection, from_port_id is ethernet port id, port_vlan_mapping e.g. “X”, port_vlan_type e.g. ”C”, from_id_range and to_id_range number of VLAN port ids

Rename IP Access connection

Use PUT /api/ipaccess/service/{connection_id} and payload as connection_name which is updated name for the connection.

Delete IP Access Connection

Use POST /api/ipaccess/request with payload{"action":"DELETE","connection_id":""}

List IP Access Connections

Use GET /api/ipaccess/service to retrieve IP Access connections where available is mandatory query parameter

Use GET /api/ipaccess/request

Modify Bandwidth

Step 1. Retrieve price using GET /api/prices?service_type={service_type}&connection_id={connection_id} where service_type = IPACCESS_CIRCUIT
Step 2. Call /api/ipaccess/request with payload

  "action":"<action> ",
  "coterminus_option":< coterminus_option>,
} where action = UPDATE

Modify VLAN Configuration

Call POST [api/ipaccess/request] (#post-/ipaccess/request) with payload

  "action": "<action>",
  "connection_id": "<connection_identifier>",
  "port_vlan_mapping": "< coterminus_option >",
  "port_vlan_type": "< port_vlan_type >",
  "port_vlan_ids": [
      "from_id_range": "<VLAN_ID>",
      "to_id_range": "<VLAN_ID>"

where action= UPDATE , port_vlan_mapping = X, port_vlan_type= C and VLAN_ID= numerical VLAN id

Modify Contractual Commitment

Step 1. call GET /api/prices?version=1&service_type=IPACCESS_CIRCUIT&connection_id={connection_id}&version={updated_version_id}
Step 2. call POST api/ipaccess/request/ with payload

  "action": "<action>",
  "price_id": <price_id>,
  "coterminus_option": <coterminus_option>,
  "connection_id": "<connection_id>"

Retrieve IP Access Connection Information

Use GET api/ipaccess/request/{request_id}

Use GET api/ipaccess/request/ retrieve the service_id from the session and find out the related requests


Customers can request a fibre cross connect in a data centre via the On Demand platform, which will result in Colt placing a request on the data centre operator for a cross connect between the specified On Demand port and the demarcation point in the customer rack.

Please note that only fibre cross connects are supported - copper cross connects are not supported.

Where a cross connect is requested, customers are required to enter the demarcation details and are also required to upload a letter of authority to grant Colt permission to place a cross connect order to the customer rack. The demarcation details and LOA (pdf file format) are mandatory. Cross-connects require a physical installation and therefore are a manual operation that does not complete in ‘real-time’. The standard lead times apply for Cross-connect orders. This section describe the APIs used to create, display, delete and retrieve associated requests data for a given cross connect

Add Cross-connect

Cross connects can only be added on already added Ports. Following steps are needed to request a cross connect
Step 1. Create an ethernet port at a location where cross connects has to be ordered refer steps in Add an Ethernet Port
Step 2. Retrieve charges for a cross connect at a building Use /api/prices?service_type=CROSSCONNECT&building_id={building_id}
Step 3. Use POST api/cross_connect with payload as

  "port_request_id": "< port_request_id>",
  "port_id": "<port_id>",
  "customer_pp_port": "< customer_pp_port >",
  "customer_pp_floor": "< customer_pp_floor>",
  "customer_pp_room": "< customer_pp_room>",
  "customer_pp_cabinet": "< customer_pp_cabinet>",
  "customer_pp_rack": "< customer_pp_rack>",
  "customer_pp_device": "< customer_pp_device >",
  "customer_pp_slot": "< customer_pp_slot>",
  "customer_pp_connector": "< customer_pp_connector >",
  "loa": "<loa>",
  "price_id": "<price_id>",
  "connector": "<connector>"

PP is presentation panel, port_request_id is the request id of the port created in Step 1. port_id is the service_id of the port created in Step 1, price_id is retrieved from Step 2, loa is letter of authority, connector is connector used in Ethernet port

Delete cross connect

Use DELETE api/cross_connect/{id} to delete a cross connect where id is cross_connect identifier

List Cross-connects

Use GET api/cross_connect to retrieve list of cross connect and related data connections data

Retrieve Cross-connect Information

Use GET api/cross_connect/{id} to retrieve data for single cross connection where id is cross_connect identifier

Use GET /api/requests and search for requests which has resource as “CROSSCONNECT” and id is the port id

Retrieve Billing Data

Use GET charges to retrieve all the charges associated with Ports, Connections and Boosted bandwidths for Cloud, Ethernet and IP Access connections for a given customer

Use GET api/charges to retrieve all the charges associated with Ports, Connections for a given customer. The response contains information about recurring, one off , penalty charges associated with connection, port or IP Access connection.

Provide Bandwidth Boost

Bandwidth Boost feature enables temporary bandwidth upgrades on connections with a commitment term, allowing them to change the bandwidth back to the original committed bandwidth when they choose. Therefore, a customer could buy a 100M service on a 36-month contract, and at any time during that period decide to boost the service above 100M as much as required, paying a premium, to eventually downgrade back to the original 100M bandwidth and rate. The feature is available for Ethernet, Cloud and IP Access connections.

Retrieve Bandwidth boost options for connection type

Use GET /api/prices?service_type={service_type}&from_port_id={from_port_id}&to_port_id={to_port_id} where service_type=Ethernet or cloud or ipaccess connection. The rental_boost_charge and bandwidth_mb in the response gives price and bandwidth value.

Apply Bandwidth boost to existing connection

Step 1. Retrieve bandwidth boost options and associated prices using GET /api/prices?service_type={service_type}&connection_id={connection _id} where service_type is ETHERNETCIRCUIT or CLOUDCIRCUIT or IPACCESS_CIRCUIT and connection_id is connection identifier for the connection. The bandwidth_boost_prices array returns required values.

Step 2. Use PUT /api/connections/{connection_id} with request payload attribute boost_bandwidth_mbps as query param

List available Bandwidth Boost and prices for a connection

Use GET /api/connections search for rental_boost_charge and bandwidth_mb which represent the bandwidth and its corresponding charges at a given date.

Find Boosted bandwidth for connection

Use Get /api/connections check for base_bandwidth and bandwidth values and if they are different use the bandwidth value as boosted value

Find Boosted bandwidth requests

Use GET /api/requests and look for record where resource=CONNECTION and action=BOOST. If this value is present then the bandwidth value will be the boosted bandwidth and the base_bandwidth attribute will be unboosted bandwidth, old_bandwidth will show the value prior to this request.

Charges associated with bandwidth boost

Use GET /api/charges. boost_charges array will have amount, date on whihc boost was applied and type=BOOST values.

Retrieve Trouble tickets data

Use GET tickets to retrieve all the trouble tickets raised by system or service desk and provide view of status on each one of them to your customer.

Retrieve tickets data

Use GET api/tickets to retrieve all the tickets information

Manage multiple customers accounts

If you have multiple customer accounts associated to your login, you have a possibility to use any one of them at a time. You can then manage the services associated with that customer account.
To see which accounts are associated with your login use GET /api/v3/user.
To set a particular customer account as a preffered customer use PATCH /api/v2/user
To view terms and condition details for associated customer account use GET /api/v2/legal_requirements and provide 2 letter language code as request parameter as preferred_language e.g. "DE"
To accept terms and condition for an associated customer account use PATCH /api/v2/legal_requirements and provide the input payload as

"id": 49652,
"accepted": true

End-to-end use-cases

This section covers the end-to-end use cases that are developed using building blocks like Ethernet and cloud ports. These also cover usage of fetures like location retrieval, product attributes to determine the prices for connectivity.

Create Point to Point connection

  1. Create a-end ethernet port
  2. Create b-end ethernet port
  3. Create ethernet connection with P-P VLAN mapping.

Step 1. Add two Ethernet port
Step 2. Make Ethernet connection with payload

"from_port_id": "<from_port_id>",
"from_vlans": {
  "vlan_mapping": "P",
  "vlan_type": "",
  "vlan_id": null
"name": "P2Pconnection",
"price": {
  "price_id": <price_id>
"to_port_id": "<to_port_id>",
"to_vlans": {
  "vlan_mapping": "P",
  "vlan_type": "",
  "vlan_id": null


Where vlan_mapping are “P” for both from and to port Refer P2P section of the Ethernet connection

Create Hub and Spoke connection

  1. Create b-end ethernet port

  2. Create ethernet connection with X-P or X-X (x on hub end)or F-F mapping

Step1 and Step 2 is adding two ethernet ports
Step 3. Make an Ethernet Connection where change in payload values from_vlans - vlan_mapping is “X” and to_vlans - vlan_mapping is “P” or both as “X” or “F” at both.Refer Ethernet Virtual Private Line section of Ethernet connection

Order bundle for Ethernet (New*)

Currently the On Demand platform allows users to place Port and Connection requests. However for a Connection request both end ports need to be already live and active. This means that if customers want to place an order for a connection which requires new capacity to be built, they need to wait weeks/months until both ports are delivered before they can place the Connection request. This feature therefore will allow customers to place all required requests for a connection at the same time in one action, with each request triggering automatically once all the pre-requisites are completed.

This means that customers in one single action can submit:

  1. A port create request for the a-end by using POST /api/v2/port/services operation
  2. A port create request for the b-end again using POST /api/v2/port/services operation and
  3. Submit a connection request between the a-end and b-end ports using POST /v2/connection/services operation while the ports are still getting created to achieve this.

Create a Cloud Connection

This is made of 3 steps:

  1. Create a cloud port
  2. Create an ethernet port (optional if already available)
  3. Create a cloud connection Refer Cloud connections

Create an IP Access Connection

This is made of 2 steps:

  1. Create an ethernet port
  2. Create an IP access connection. Refer IP Access section

Cross connect

  1. Add ethernet port

  2. Add cross connect

Address qualification

Step 1. Search for buildings from customer address book use GET /api/locations just to confirm that the building is not already added to the address book
Step 2. Search building/location where Port has to be ordered in the global directory use GET /api/global_directory/address
Step 3. Search for Sites available in the building using GET /api/building/{building_id}/site
Step 4. Add the building to address book using POST /api/locations with payload

  "building_id": "<building_id",
  "location_name": "<location_name>",
  "country": "<country_name>",
  "site_floor": "<site_floor>",
  "site_room_name": "<site_room_name>"

Where the site_floor and site_room_name has to be provided if the site is newly added else will be already available in the building details and will be available as a response of step 3.
Exception scenario
If the address is not available in Colt database then the result of Step 2 will be an empty array Use GET /api/geolocation-reachable?lat={latitude}&long={longitude}&place_id={place_d}

If the Address is reachable API responds with

  "reachable": true,
  "installation_currency": "<currency>",
  "installation_charge": <charge>

If not then Colt connection is not supported at the location. Add the building to Address book Use POST /api/locations with payload

"location_name": "<location_name>",
  "city": "<city>",
  "country": "<country>”,
  "latitude": <latitude>,
  "longitude": <longitude>,
  "address": ",address>",
  "site_floor": "<site_floor>",
  "site_room_name": "<site_room_name>"

Refer a flowchart below for the process steps.

The referenced media source is missing and needs to be re-embedded.

Add new site to building

Step1. Search for a site availability at a given building use GET api/building//site this should result in empty site data array
Step 2. To add a new site use POST /api/locations

  "building_id": "< building_id >",
  "location_name": "< location_name >",
  "country": "<country_name>",
  "site_floor": "<site_floor>",
  "site_room_name": "<site_room_name>"

where site_floor is the new floor number and site_room_name is new site name where port has to be installed. This API returns "id":"”, “novitas_site_type":" “ which are used in further process of price retrieval

The referenced media source is missing and needs to be re-embedded.


Find Prices for ordering a Port or making a connection

To Find prices for installing an Ethernet Port and a connection between 2 port following steps are used
Step 1. Get the building details where A end port has to be installed using /api/global_directory/address?place_id=ChIJH8vQ7fmLGGAR_Vx9A5i46pc&count=100 discussed in step 1. Of Add Ethernet Connection section. This API will return null if connected building is not available.
Step 2. Retrieve prices and products available for Ethernet port at the given building using GET /api/prices?service_type=ETHERNETPORT&site_type={site_type} where site_type is retrieved from step 1. which is novitas_site_type
Step 3. Choose B End as Ethernet port similar to Step 2 and retrieve the prices
Step 4. Retrieve prices for making an Ethernet connection between these two ports using GET /api/prices?service_type=ETHERNETCIRCUIT&from_site_type={from_site_type}&to_site_type={from_site_type} where from_site_type and to_site_type are retrieved from the Step 1
To find Price to make IP Access Connection following steps are used
Step 1. Get the Ethernet port installations product and charges for the chosen building
Step 2. Retrieve product and prices for IP Access connection using
GET /api/prices?service_type=IPACCESSCIRCUIT&site_type={site_type}
To find Prices for cloud connection
Step 1. Retrieve all the information about the cloud providers using GET /api/cloudsites
Step 2. Retrieve Product and prices for port installation using GET /prices?service_type=CLOUDPORT&site_type=DCA-MSA-JP-TKY where site_type is retrieved from step 1
Step 3. Retrieve prices for making cloud connection at the given port api/prices?service_type=CLOUDCIRCUIT&from_site_type={from_site_type}&to_site_type={to_site_type}&to_site_type_1={to_site_type _1}&service=AZURE_EXPRESS where from_site_type is cloud END retrieved in step 1 and to_site_type is the A END Ethernet port of the network

Note for other cloud providers service attribute changes according to provider and to_site_type_1 attribute is not needed.



  • CEA - Common Equipment Area
  • Coterminus option: When changing a connection in some chargeable way, this option defines whether the new contract should run only until the end date of the current contract (true), or whether you want to “reset” the contract period to start from the date of the change”.
  • Cross Connect: A cross-connect is a physical, hardwired cable that provides a direct connection between two different termination locations within a data centre. the letter of authority is NOT provided by the datacentre owner, it has to be provided by the owner of the equipment you are connecting to, i.e. Colt if the customer orders the cross-connect and the customer if Colt orders it.
  • Global directory: Information of buildings where Colt’s connectivity is available
  • LOA: Letter of authority provided to install connection
  • MMR: Meet me room
  • novitas_site_type: Is a Colt term to represent a site e.g. KDC-PL-WOW created by combining the building category (KDC, DCNET, LANLINK, DCA-MSA, DCA-AWSH, etc), PL 2 letter country code and WOW 3 letter metropolitan area code.
  • Order id: This is generated by Siebel for siteport and cross-connect requests
  • PORT_TYPE: DCNPORT/LANPORT/DCAPORT - DCNPORTs are located in data centres. LANPORTs are located on customer premise. DCAPORTs are cloud ports.
  • Product: Colt products e.g. Twisted pair electrical 1Gbps ethernet port
  • Request ID- Request identifier is created for every state chnage of connection e.g. create,modify,delete.
  • Service ID- A unique reference to a service the customer has paid for/requested from the time it is created until the time it is terminated. Applies to all Ports & Connections.
  • Service Type: Connectivity prices are derived basis Service types e.g. ETHERNETPORT'' , CROSSCONNECT or ''ETHERNETCIRCUIT
  • Shared area: This is a place where along with other providers Colt connectivity can be provided
  • Site: Location in the building where ports can be installed.
  • SITEPORT: This is a request type which only installs the capacity – this will also create a PORT request to reserve the capacity once it has been delivered.
  • VLAN type: S-VLAN (88a8) or C-VLAN (8100)

Colt On Demand Solutions

Colt On Demand Service is the solution for your business sites to cloud computing, disaster recovery, business continuity planning, content delivery, applications and host of other remotely-based IT services.

OnDemand platform provide below main product offerings.

  • Ethernet on Demand - On Demand connectivity to private enterprise locations Extends On Demand offering to 25,000+ enterprise buildings across Europe and APAC Supports data centre to Enterprise and Enterprise to Enterprise connectivity Supports on-net and near-net locations. On Demand connectivity between data centres.800+ Data Centres with shared equipment areas in Europe, APAC and the US 200+ data centres that support real time delivery

  • Cloud On Demand - connectivity into the cloud. Connectivity from data centre & Enterprise buildings into the public cloud Both API enabled hosted connectivity and dedicated port connectivity to the cloud Available for Microsoft Azure, ExpressRoute, Amazon Web Services Direct Connect, Google Cloud Partner Interconnect, IBM Direct Link and Oracle FastConnect

  • IP Access on Demand - On Demand internet connectivity. Connectivity from data entre & Enterprise buildings into the public internet Customers benefit from Colt’s carrier grade internet access service with additional On Demand features such as flexible commercials and real time upgrades Initially only available in Europe, up to 1Gbps

  • Cross-connects. In Datacentres / Carrier Hotels, Colt delivers the ports to a shared location CEA / MMR. It is the customer responsibility to order a cross-connect from the CEA/MMR to their own equipment. This can be ordered directly by the customer with the data centre provider or via Colt at selected locations. Only available for optical ports.

Product Structure

Colt On Demand is based on components which can be used to build end to end services. These components are re-usable and distinct, with attributes specific to each component such as bandwidth and contract term. The components available are:

  1. Ethernet ports
  2. Ethernet connections
  3. Cloud ports
  4. Cloud connections
  5. IP Access connections
  6. Cross connect

The Use-cases section describes how to achieve these functionalities using different APIs.By combining 2 or more of the above components any network topology can be created, from a simple point to point ethernet link or internet access at one location to complex mesh network topologies. For some examples on how to provision the most common network service topologies please refer to the ‘End to end use cases’ section.


API Security

All the Colt SDN APIs are protected by SSL/TLS encryption, so when you call them you should ensure your client code is using this mechanism. The APIs need secured token which has to be provided with every request to access them.

Generic Response Code

The following table shows how and when response codes must be used within the API.


  Code Use This When
1 200 - OK GET- data retrieved successfully.
2 201 -Created

PUT – Data inserted successfully.
PATCH- Data amended successfully
POST- Data inserted successfully
DELETE- Data deleted successfully

3 204 No Content Empty Content



   Code Indicates
1 400 Bad Request Invalid client request
2 401 Unauthorized Client credentials not verified
3 403 Forbidden The client does not have access to the content
4 404 Data Not Found     The server cannot find the requested resource.



We use the following rules when versioning:

  1. Most of the existing APIs use version as an optional parameter.
  2. When updating an existing endpoint, we add a new endpoint with a /v2/... (or /v3, etc) prefix. We do this under the following circumstances:
    When a new mandatory attribute is added or an existing optional attribute is made mandatory. When an existing attribute is removed (optional or mandatory).
    The original endpoint and schema object remain unchanged. We will support up to 3 versions of an endpoint and we will supply 6 months’ notice to all registered users before we retire an endpoint version.


This section describes the APIs and the endpoints that are used in different process steps as mentioned in the introduction section.

End points

Use new API v2/port/services to create,modify,delete and retrieve Ethernet port

Ethernet ports

Under the On Demand model, ports are a separate component - unlike the traditional data networking model where ports are an integral part of a circuit connection. All On Demand ports are capable of supporting multiple service types, using VLAN segregation. Example use cases include:

  • Multicloud – multiple cloud connections terminating on the same physical On Demand port at the customer site
  • NNI for Ethernet Virtual Private Line – multiple Ethernet connections aggregated on the same physical port for service provider handoff
  • Enterprise multi service – internet access, data centre connections and multiple cloud connections to support typical enterprise WAN services.
    Colt supports a full range of physical 1Gbps, 10Gbps & 100Gbps port specifications. Please note diversity and resilience options for Ethernet Ports are not available via the On Demand platform.
    This section describes the APIs used to retrieve list and associated data, create, modify and delete an Ethernet port.

Add an Ethernet Port

To add an Ethernet port use following sets of APIs.
Step1. To search for a building from customer address book Use GET api/locations/ or to search from global database use GET /api/global_directory/address which uses city, country, building name, street name, post code or google place identifier (this is retrieved from google maps for more information refer https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/examples/places-placeid-finder) as optional query parameter. Count is set to 100 to retrieve first 100 records

Step2. Existing site:
Once you identified the building where a port has to be installed next search for the site. Use GET api/building/{building_id}/site to retrieve the site details along with capacity available at the site. This results in retrieving Logical port speed , port interface and connector.

Step3. Retrieve price for selected product using GET api/prices?service_type={service_type}&building_id={building identifier}&product_id= {product_id} where service_type is ETHERNETPORTand building identifier or location identifier is retrieved from Step1 and product_id from Step2

Step4. Existing capacity
Finally use POST /api/v2/port/services with payload

  "price_id": ,
  "site_id": "",
  "port_name": ""


where price_id is retrieved from above Step3, location_id from /global_directory and port_name is given name of the new port. The API returns the request and service identifier.

New capacity
If the capacity is not available, first create a temporary site in the given building by using POST /api/locations using the payload

 "building_id": "",
 "site_floor": "",
 "site_room_name": ""


Use GET api/products?service_type=ETHERNETPORT&location_id={location_id} to retrieve the products that are available at that building where the location_id is the the temporary site id

Next retrieve price for selected product using GET api/prices?service_type={service_type}&building_id={building identifier}&product_id= {product_id} where service_type is ETHERNETPORT and building identifier or location identifier is temporary site created earlier

Next create the port using the same endpoint /api/v2/port/services used in existing capacity with payload given below

  "site_access_price_id": ,
  "name": "",
  "price_id": ,
  "site_access_details": {
    "access_out_of_hours": true,
    "notice_required_days": "0",
    "site_contact": {
      "email": "",
      "name": "",
      "phone": ""
    "technical_contact": {
      "email": "",
      "name": "",
      "phone": ""
    "technical_contact_company": "string",
    "user_contact": {
      "email": "",
      "name": "",
      "phone": ""
  "site_id": ""


where site_access_price_id can be retrived using GET /api/prices?service_type=SITEPORT&location_id={location_id}, price_id is the price associated with the ethernet port and site_access_details are details assoicated with the site.

Refer a flowchart below for the process steps.

The referenced media source is missing and needs to be re-embedded.


The referenced media source is missing and needs to be re-embedded.

Rename an Ethernet port

Use PATCH /api/v2/port/services/{port_id} to Rename the port. Provide new port_name as payload

Delete an Ethernet Port

Use DELETE /api/v2/port/services/{port_id} to Delete the port.

List Ethernet ports

Use GET /api/v2/port/services to retrieve all the ports

Retrieve a single Ethernet Port information

Use GET /api/v2/port/services/{port_id} to retrieve data of an individual port. Products, prices, address details are the key set of information retrieved from the API.

Download Letter of Authority

Use POST /api/v2/port/services/{port_id}/loa endpoint and provide issued_to as payload to get the LOA

Use GET /api/v2/port/requests/

Retrieve service_id using GET /api/v2/port/services/{port_id} endpoint Next use /api/v2/connection/services and check if the service_id is associated with component_connections as from_port_id or to_port_id

Use Get /api/cross_connect and search for associated_port_id in the response object as the given port

Cloud Ports

Colt has enabled automated service orchestration with multiple cloud service providers (CSP) such as MS Azure and AWS for real-time connectivity to the cloud using existing Colt-CSP interconnects. Customers can connect from all On Demand enabled locations (including all data centres and enterprise locations) to the public cloud by reserving a Cloud port against the desired cloud provider and creating a Cloud connection to it from any existing Ethernet port. Although the process to create a cloud port is slightly different for each cloud provider, the overall On Demand cloud service model is always the same with two cloud-specific service components: a cloud port and a cloud connection to it from a standard port. Cloud connections terminate on standard ports which can be in either data centres or enterprise locations. Cloud port – to – cloud port connections are not currently supported. Customers who wish to flex the bandwidth on their cloud circuit connections are advised to over-size the cloud port to enable bandwidth to be flexed up to this limit. Below section describes the different APIs use operate on cloud ports.

MS Azure ExpressRoute

Add cloud port

To order an Azure port follow below steps-
Step 1. Go to Azure portal and create an ExpressRoute service selecting ‘Colt’ as the provider. Get a service key (UUID)
Step 2. GET api/prices?service_type=CLOUDPORT&service= AZURE_EXPRESS to retrieve all the prices for cloud provider
Step 3. Call POST api/ports with below payload

  "port_name": "Azure port",
  "price_id": <price_id>,
  "cloud_provider": "AZURE_EXPRESS",
  "azure_service_key": "< azure_service_key >"


Where port_name is given name, Price_id is retrieved from first call ,azure_service_key provided by cloud provider in Step 1.

Refer a flowchart below for the process steps.

The referenced media source is missing and needs to be re-embedded.

Rename Cloud Port

Use PUT /api/ports/{port_id} to Rename the port. Use payload name= where name= updated name and port_id is the port identifier

Delete Cloud Port

Use DELETE /api/ports/{port_id} to Delete the port where port_id is the port identifier

List Cloud Ports

Use GET api/ports to retrieve all the ports data and search for cloud_provider= "AZURE_EXPRESS” in the results

Retrieve a single Cloud Port information

Use GET /api/ports/{port_id}

Use GET /api/requests and search for resource as “PORT” for given port_id and cloud_provider= "AZURE_EXPRESS” in the results

AWS DirectConnect Dedicated Cloud Port

Dedicated cloud ports can support multiple EVPL services with different VLANs.

Add Cloud Port

To order an AWS direct connect Dedicated port follow below steps
Step 1. Log into AWS console. Select Correct region and direct connect PoP. Download Letter of Authority.
Step 2. Use GET api/cloudsites to retrieve AWS regions, interconnects data which has site_type information
Step 3. Next use GET api/prices?service_type=CLOUDPORT&service= AWS_DEDICATED&site_type={site_type} to retrieve all the prices for cloud provider
Step 4. Call POST api/ports with below payload

  "port_name": "< port_name >",
  "price_id": "<price_id>",
  "cloud_provider": "AWS_DEDICATED",
  "aws_region": "<aws_region>",
  "building_id": "<building_id>",
  "loa": loa.pdf

where port_name is given port name price_id is retrieved basis site_type and service from the prices api aws_region is region created by AWS basis the data centre in a geography e.g. Europe central1 retrieved from the /cloudsites endpoint , building_id is retrieved from the /cloudsites endpoint and loa is Letter of authority retrieved from Step 1. Note this port is not created on demand and takes time

Refer a flowchart below for the process steps.

The referenced media source is missing and needs to be re-embedded.

Rename Cloud Port

Use PUT /api/ports/{port_id} to Rename the port. Use payload name= where name= updated name and port_id is the port identifier

Delete Cloud Port

Use DELETE /api/ports/{port_id} to Delete the port where port_id is the port identifier

List Cloud Ports

Use GET api/ports to retrieve all the ports and search for cloud_provider= " AWS_DEDICATED” in the results

Retrieve Cloud Port information

Use GET /api/ports/{port_id}

Use GET /api/requests and search for resource as “PORT” for given port_id and cloud_provider= " AWS_DEDICATED” in the results

AWS DirectConnect Hosted Cloud Port

Hosted cloud ports can only have 1 connection at a time and no VLAN config can be done on the cloud port end.

Add Cloud Port

Step 1.
Log into AWS console. Select Correct region and direct connect PoP. Generate the AWS Account number.
Step 2.
Use GET api/cloudsites to retrieve AWS regions, interconnects data which has site_type , region and building_id information Step 3.
Next use GET /api/prices?service_type=CLOUDPORT&service=AWS_HOSTED&region={region_id}&building_id={building_id} to retrieve price for the given Region, Location and Bandwidth Step 4.
Call POSTapi/ports with below payload

  "port_name": "< port_name >",
  "price_id": "<price_id>",
  "cloud_provider": "AWS_HOSTED",
  "aws_account_no": "<aws_account_no>",
  "building_id": "<building_id>",
  "aws_region": ",<aws_region>"

where port_name is given port name price_id is retrieved from the prices api aws_account_no is provided by AWS in Step 1. aws_region Regions created by AWS basis the data centre in a geography e.g. Europe central 1 building_id is retrieved from the api/cloudsites endpoint.
Refer a flowchart below for the process steps.

The referenced media source is missing and needs to be re-embedded.

Rename Cloud Port

Use PUT /api/ports/{port_id}to Rename the port. Use payload name= where name= updated name and port_id is the port identifier

Delete Cloud Port

Use DELETE /api/ports/{port_id} to Delete the port where port_id is the port identifier

List Cloud Ports

Use GET api/ports to retrieve all the ports and search for cloud_provider= " AWS_HOSTED” in the result

Retrieve a single Cloud Port information

Use GET api/ports/{port_id} where port_id is the identifier for the port

Use GET /api/requests and search for resource as “PORT” for given port_id and cloud_provider= " AWS_HOSTED” in the result

Google Cloud Partner Interconnect

Add Cloud Port

To order Google cloud partner interconnect port follow same steps
Step 1. Login to Google Cloud Platform portal. Choose colt as provider. Generate pairing key. Use following steps to create Google cloud port. If the pairing key is partially activated after creating a port using the API, key has to be activated again by login to google platform
Step 2. Use GET api/cloudsites to retrieve Google regions, interconnects data which has site_type , region and building_id information
Step 3. Next use GET /api/prices?service_type=CLOUDPORT&service=GOOGLE_CLOUD&region={region}&building_id={building_id} to retrieve price for the given Region, Location and Bandwidth
Step 4. Call POST api/google/service/port with below payload

  " port_name ": "< port_name>",
  " price_id ": "< price_id >",
  " cloud_provider ": " GOOGLE_CLOUD ",
  " cloud_region ": "< cloud_region >",
  " csp_key ": "< csp_key>",
  "building_id": ",building_id>",

where port_name is given port name price_id is retrieved from the prices api csp_key is of format uuid/region/zone provided by Google to the customer in Step 1. cloud_region Regions created by Google basis the data centre in a geography e.g. Asia pacific southeast 1 building_id is building identifier and both retrieved from the /cloudsites endpoint
Refer a flowchart below for the process steps.


Rename Cloud Port

Use PUT /api/google/service/port/{port_id} to rename Google port

Delete Cloud Port

DELETE /api/google/service/port/{port_id} to delete the port

List Cloud Ports

Use GET /api/google/service/port

Retrieve a single Cloud Port information

Use GET api/google/service/port/{port_id}

Use GET api/google/request/port to retrieve Google port requests data. Retrieve the service Id using the session id and that can be used to retrieve the related requests

IBM Cloud DirectConnect

Add Cloud Port

To order IBM cloud port follow following steps
Step 1. Login to IBM portal.Select location then “Colt" as provider.Select the port bandwidth ( 50Mbps and 5Gbps).Select the rounting and the get the key. Enter the BGP routing details.Once the FastConnect service has been created, customers will be assigned a Service Key – this will be required to create a cloud port.
Step 2. Use GET /api/prices?service_type=CLOUDPORT&service=IBM_CLOUD to retrieve price for the given Region, Location and Bandwidth
Step 3. Call POST api/ibm/service/port with below payload

  " port_name ": "< port_name>",
  " price_id ": "< price_id >",
  " cloud_provider ": " IBM_CLOUD ",
  " cloud_region ": "< cloud_region >",
  " csp_key ": "< csp_key>"

where port_name is given port name price_id is retrieved from the prices api csp_key is provided by IBM to the customer in Step 1. cloud_region is not needed for IBM cloud
Refer a flowchart below for the process steps.

The referenced media source is missing and needs to be re-embedded.

Rename Cloud Port

Use PUT /api/ibm/service/port/{port_id} to rename IBM port

Delete Cloud Port

DELETE /api/ibm/service/port/{port_id} to delete the port

List Cloud ports

Use GET /api/ibm/service/port to retrieve list of IBM Ports and related information

Retrieve a single Cloud Port information

Use GET api/ibm/service/port/{port_id}

Use GET api/ibm/request/port to retrieve IBM port requests data

Oracle Cloud FastConnect

Add Cloud Port

To order Oracle cloud port follow following steps
Step 1. Login to Oracle cloud portal.Select “Oracle Provider” and then “Colt DCA”.Select a “Private/Public” domain.Enter the FastConnect port bandwidth (1G-10G) Enter the BGP routing details.Once the FastConnect service has been created, customers will be assigned a Service Key – this will be required to create a cloud port.
Step 2. Use GET /api/prices?service_type=CLOUDPORT&service=ORACLE_CLOUD&region={region}&building_id={building_id} to retrieve price for the given Region, Location and Bandwidth
Step 3. Call POST api/oracle/service/port with below payload

  " port_name ": "< port_name>",
  " price_id ": "< price_id >",
  " cloud_provider ": " ORACLE_CLOUD ",
  " cloud_region ": "< cloud_region >",
  " csp_key ": "< csp_key>"
  "building_id": "<building_id>"

where port_name is given port name price_id is retrieved from the prices api csp_key is provided by Oracle as described in Step 1. cloud_region is the region chosen when the port was created
Refer a flowchart below for the process steps.

The referenced media source is missing and needs to be re-embedded.


Rename Cloud Port

Use PUT /api/oracle/service/port/{port_id} to rename oracle port

Delete Cloud Port

DELETE /api/oracle/service/port/{port_id} to delete the port

List Cloud ports

Use GET /api/oracle/service/port to retrieve all Oracle ports

Retrieve single port data

Use GET /api/oracle/service/port/{port_id}

Use GET api/oracle/request/port to retrieve all the request

Equinix Fabric Interconnect

Add Cloud Port

To order an Equinix cloud port follow following steps
Step 1. Login to Equinix interface. Create Fabric interconnect service choosing Colt as a provider. Generate a service key.Use the SDN API.
Step 2. Use GET api/cloudsites to retrieve Equinix regions, interconnects data which has site_type , region and building_id information
Step 3. Next use GET /api/prices?service_type=CLOUDPORT&service=EQUINIX_CLOUD&region={region}&building_id={building_id} to retrieve price for the given Region, Location and Bandwidth
Step 4. Call POST /api/v2/equinix/services with below payload

  "price_id": <price_id>,
  "cloud_provider": "EQUINIX_CLOUD",
  "name": "<port_name>",
  "csp_key": "<csp_key>",
  "building_id": "<building_id>",
  "cloud_region": "<cloud_region>"


where price_id is retrieved from the prices api port_name is Port name given by customer csp_key is key provided by cloud provider to customer building_id is retrieved from cloudsites api cloud_region e.g. am for Amsterdam retrieved from cloudsites api

Rename Cloud Port

Use PATCH /api/v2/equinix/services/{id} to Rename the port with pay load {"new_name":"Equinixcloudport 11"} Where port id is port identification number and new_name is updated name

Delete Cloud Port

Use DELETE /api/v2/equinix/services/{id} to Delete the port

List Cloud ports

Use GET /api/v2/equinix/services to retrieve all ports data

Retrieve single port data

Use GET /api/v2/equinix/services/{id} to retrieve single port details

Use GET /v2/equinix/request/{id} get request data for particular port identifier
Refer a flowchart below for the process steps.

The referenced media source is missing and needs to be re-embedded.


Use new API v2/connection/services to create,modify,delete and retrieve Ethernet connection

Ethernet connections

Connections are circuits that are routed between two On Demand ports. On Demand ports can be dynamically configured to support either Ethernet Private Line (“point to point”) based on transparent handover or Ethernet Virtual Private Line “(hub and spoke”) services based on a VLAN handover.

EPL and EVPL are not treated as different service types in the On Demand platform, although the services are configured differently.

On Demand connections support bandwidths between 10Mbps and 20Gbps. Higher bandwidths are available on request. The supported bandwidth of an On Demand circuit connection is based on the bandwidth of the ports at the A and B end points. This applies to both fixed term and flexible contracts.

For point to point (EPL) services where the A end and B end port speeds are equal, the circuit connection bandwidth is based on bandwidth ranges that are related to the speed of both ports.

The bandwidths that are supported for EPL configurations are 1 to 10 Gbps port range for all locations and 40 to 100Gbps port range for Key Data centre

For EVPL services the maximum circuit connection bandwidth is determined by the lower “unused” bandwidth on each port. For example, the supported bandwidth range for a circuit connection routed between a 10Gbps NNI and a 1Gbps B end port is 10Mbps-1Gbps (i.e. the range associated with the lower speed port).


  Service type VLAN config
1 Point to Point(EPL) P-P
2 Hub and Spoke(EVPL) X-P
3 EVPL(mesh) filtering at spoke X-F
4 Ethernet line F-F

Connections have three VLAN modes, which apply to each end of the circuit connection:

Mode Application Description
Open port (P) 1 circuit connection per port Port based handover, all VLANs are passed transparently
Add VLAN(X) Multiple circuit connections per port (Colt adds VLAN tag) VLAN based handover, 1 VLAN per Connection. VLAN added on egress, towards customer (in translation mode). VLAN can be S-VLAN (88a8) or C-VLAN (8100)
Filter VLAN(F) Multiple circuit connections per port (Colt filters VLAN tags) VLAN filtered on ingress to Colt network (against a single VLAN number).

The supported combinations are shown in the below table (A end and B ends can be used interchangeably).

A-end open port Add VLAN Add VLAN Add VLAN Filter VLAN
B-end open port Open port Add VLAN Filter VLAN Filter VLAN
Description Standard Ethernet Private Line (EPL)configuration Ethernet Virtual Private Line (EVPL)configuration port Ethernet Virtual Private Line (EVPL),hub presenstation at both ends Ethernet Virtual Private Line (EVPL),with VLAN filetering at spoke site As per scenario 3 above, except VLAN IDs are preserved(same at each end)
Equivalent Colt service Ethernet Line(EPL) Ethernet Hub and Spoke N/A MEF Access EVPL Ethernet Line

This section describes the APIs that are used to create, manage and cease Ethernet connections.

Create an Ethernet Connection

An Ethernet connection can be ordered only between two Ethernet ports . This section describes steps needed to create an Ethernet connections with bare minimum attributes. Specific case is discussed in Use cases section.
Step 1. Use GET /api/v2/port/services to find out the ports .
Step 2. Next retrieve the prices and products for connecting 2 ports using GET api/prices?service_type=ETHERNETCIRCUIT&from_port_id={from_port_id}&to_port_id={to_port_id} where the from and to port ids are retrieved from the earlier API call.
Step 3. To make a connection request, use POST /api/v2/connection/services the payload consists of

"from_port_id": "<from_port_id>",
"from_vlans": {
    "vlan_mapping": "<vlan_mapping>",
    "vlan_type": "<vlan_type>",
    "vlan_id": vlan_id
"name": "<connection_name>",
"price": {
    "price_id": <price_id>
"to_port_id": "<to_port_id>",
"to_vlans": {
    "vlan_mapping": "<vlan_mapping>",
    "vlan_type": "<vlan_type>",
    "vlan_id": vlan_id


Where connection_name is the name given to the connection, from_vlans and to_vlans has vlan_mapping e.g., “X” or “P” or “F”,vlan_type e.g. “S” or “C” (VLAN can be S-VLAN (88a8) or C-VLAN (8100) and vlanid ranging from 1 to 4094

Rename Ethernet Connection

Use PUT /api/v2/connection/services/{connection_id} to update the name of Ethernet connection with payload as name which is updated connection name

Delete Ethernet Connection

Use DELETE api/v2/connection/services/{connection_id} to delete an Ethernet

List Ethernet connections

Use GET api/v2/connection/services endpoint

Retrieve single Ethernet Connection Information

Use GET api/v2/connection/{connection_id}

Use GET /api/v2/connection/requests

Modify Bandwidth

Customer have an option to modify bandwidth OnDemand. The charges are based on the number of changes done. E.g. if 10MB service is advanced to 1GB for 20 minutes we charge for 1 hour.If the changes are made twice in a month.
Use PUT /api/v2/connection/services/{connection_id} to update the bandwidth by providing price_id which can be retrieved using GET /api/prices?service_type=ETHERNETCIRCUIT&connection_id={connection_id} and setting the appropriate coterminus_option

Modify VLAN configuration

Use PUT /api/v2/connection/services/{connection_id} to update the VLAN parameters connection with payload with updated VLAN parameters

Modify Contractual Commitment

Use GET /api/prices?version=1&service_type=ETHERNETCIRCUIT&connection_id={connection_id}&version={updated_version_id}

Step 2.
Use PUT api/connection/services/{connection_id} with payload

  "price_id": <price_id>,
  "coterminus_option": <coterminus_option>

Schedule Bandwidth Changes

This is only available for services with no commitment.
Retrieve prices using /api/prices?service_type=ETHERNETCIRCUIT&connection_id={connection_id} Use POST /api/schedule with payload

  "price_id": <price_id>,
  "connection_id": " <connection_id>",
  "event_frequency": "< event_frequency>",
  "event_date": "<event_date>"

Where event_frequency could be ONE_OFF, WEEKLY, MONTHLY etc

Create Cloud Connection

There is an ethernet port which is already created at “A end “ and at the B end a cloud port is used and a connection is ordered between them.

Below APIs are used in different steps to achieve a cloud connection
Step 1. Use GET /api/ports?available=true this provides ports those are already created For Google port use GET /api/google/service/port?available=true For IBM use GET /api/ibm/service/port?available=true For Oracle use GET /api/oracle/service/port?available=true For Equinix use GET /api/v2/equinix/service
Step 2. Use GET /prices?service_type=CLOUDCIRCUIT&from_port_id={from_port_id}&to_port_id={to_port_id}&to_port_id_2={to_port_id_2} where from_port_id (Ethernet port id) and to_port_id (Cloud port id) and to_port_id_2 is a secondary port data is retrieved from the /api/ports endpoint to_port_id_2 which is he secondary port id has to be provided only for Azure connection
Step 3. Use POST /api/connections with payload as below data elements

  "price_id": <price_id>,
  "connection_name": "<connection_name>",
  "component_connections": [
      "from_port_id": "<from_port_id>",
      "to_port_id": "<to_port_id>",
      "cloud_provider_from_port": "<cloud_provider_from_port>",
      "cloud_provider_to_port": cloud_provider_to_port,
      "a_end_vlan_mapping": "<a_end_vlan_mapping>",
      "b_end_vlan_mapping": "<b_end_vlan_mapping>",
      "a_end_vlan_type": "<a_end_vlan_type>",
      "b_end_vlan_type": "<b_end_vlan_type>",
      "a_end_vlan_ids": [],
      "b_end_vlan_ids": []

For Azure use cloud_provider_from_port= AZURE_EXPRESS For Google use cloud_provider_from_port= GOOGLE_CLOUD For IBM use cloud_provider_from_port= IBM_CLOUD For Oracle use cloud_provider_from_port= ORACLE_CLOUD

For Equinix cloud cloud_provider_from_port is EQUINIX_CLOUD. For AWS Dedicated cloud_provider_from_port is AWS_DEDICATED For AWS HOSTED cloud_provider_from_port is AWS_HOSTED

Rename Cloud Connection

Use PUT /api/connections/{connection_id} to update the name of connection with payload as name which is updated connection name

Delete Cloud Connection

Use DELETE api/connections/{connection_id} to delete Cloud Connection

List Cloud connections

Use GET api/connections endpoint with attribute is_cloud_connection=true in the response

Retrieve single cloud Connection Information

Use GET api/connections/{connection_id}

Use GET /api/requests and in the result search for requests which has resource as “CONNECTION” and id is the connection id and is_cloud=true

Modify Bandwidth

Use PUT /api/connections/{connection_id} to update the bandwidth by providing price_id which can be retrieved using GET /api/prices?service_type=CLOUDCIRCUIT&connection_id=

Modify VLAN configuration

Use PUT /api/connections/{connection_id} to update the VLAN parameters connection with payload with updated VLAN parameters

Modify Contractual Commitment

Step1. Use GET /api/prices?version=1&service_type=CLOUDCIRCUIT&connection_id={connection_id}&version={updated_version_id}
Step 2. Use PUT api/connections/{connection_id} with payload

  "price_id": <price_id>,
  "coterminus_option": < coterminus_option>,
  "is_cloud_connection": < is_cloud_connection >

where is_cloud_connection = true

Schedule Bandwidth Changes

This is only available for services with no commitment.
Retrieve prices using /api/prices?service_type=CLOUDCIRCUIT&connection_id={connection_id} and use POST Use POST /api/schedule with payload

  "price_id": "<price_id>",
  "connection_id": " <connection_id>",
  "event_frequency": "< event_frequency>",
  "event_date": "<event_date>"

event_frequency could be ONE_OFF, WEEKLY, MONTHLY etc

Create IP Access Connections

IP Access provides a dedicated permanent access to the public Internet. Colt IP Access allows customers to connect business sites of all sizes to the Internet easily, efficiently and securely with guaranteed IP bandwidth. It is a wires-only service with PA IPv4 /29 addresses only and customers need to provide a router.

Add an IP Access Connection

IP Access on Demand - On Demand internet connectivity is the commercial offering supported by following set of API. The A end is Ethernet port and B end is internet connectivity.
Step 1. Use GET /api/v2/port/services to find the Ethernet ports that are already created

Step 2. Retrieve IP Access products and prices that could be available for the port using /api/prices?service_type={service_type}&from_port_id={from_port_id} where service_type= IPACCESS_CIRCUIT and from_port_id is retrieved from earlier API call

Step 3. Call POST /api/ipaccess/request with payload

  "action": "CREATE",
  "price_id": <price_id>,
  "connection_name": "<connection_name>",
  "from_port_id": "<from_port_id>",
  "port_vlan_mapping": "< port_vlan_mapping >",
  "port_vlan_type": "< port_vlan_type >",
  "port_vlan_ids": [
      "from_id_range": < from_id_range>,
      "to_id_range": < to_id_range >

where price_id retrieved from prices api, connection_name is name given to connection, from_port_id is ethernet port id, port_vlan_mapping e.g. “X”, port_vlan_type e.g. ”C”, from_id_range and to_id_range number of VLAN port ids

Rename IP Access connection

Use PUT /api/ipaccess/service/{connection_id} and payload as connection_name which is updated name for the connection.

Delete IP Access Connection

Use POST /api/ipaccess/request with payload{"action":"DELETE","connection_id":""}

List IP Access Connections

Use GET /api/ipaccess/service to retrieve IP Access connections where available is mandatory query parameter

Use GET /api/ipaccess/request

Modify Bandwidth

Step 1. Retrieve price using GET /api/prices?service_type={service_type}&connection_id={connection_id} where service_type = IPACCESS_CIRCUIT
Step 2. Call /api/ipaccess/request with payload

  "action":"<action> ",
  "coterminus_option":< coterminus_option>,
} where action = UPDATE

Modify VLAN Configuration

Call POST [api/ipaccess/request] (#post-/ipaccess/request) with payload

  "action": "<action>",
  "connection_id": "<connection_identifier>",
  "port_vlan_mapping": "< coterminus_option >",
  "port_vlan_type": "< port_vlan_type >",
  "port_vlan_ids": [
      "from_id_range": "<VLAN_ID>",
      "to_id_range": "<VLAN_ID>"

where action= UPDATE , port_vlan_mapping = X, port_vlan_type= C and VLAN_ID= numerical VLAN id

Modify Contractual Commitment

Step 1. call GET /api/prices?version=1&service_type=IPACCESS_CIRCUIT&connection_id={connection_id}&version={updated_version_id}
Step 2. call POST api/ipaccess/request/ with payload

  "action": "<action>",
  "price_id": <price_id>,
  "coterminus_option": <coterminus_option>,
  "connection_id": "<connection_id>"

Retrieve IP Access Connection Information

Use GET api/ipaccess/request/{request_id}

Use GET api/ipaccess/request/ retrieve the service_id from the session and find out the related requests


Customers can request a fibre cross connect in a data centre via the On Demand platform, which will result in Colt placing a request on the data centre operator for a cross connect between the specified On Demand port and the demarcation point in the customer rack.

Please note that only fibre cross connects are supported - copper cross connects are not supported.

Where a cross connect is requested, customers are required to enter the demarcation details and are also required to upload a letter of authority to grant Colt permission to place a cross connect order to the customer rack. The demarcation details and LOA (pdf file format) are mandatory. Cross-connects require a physical installation and therefore are a manual operation that does not complete in ‘real-time’. The standard lead times apply for Cross-connect orders. This section describe the APIs used to create, display, delete and retrieve associated requests data for a given cross connect

Add Cross-connect

Cross connects can only be added on already added Ports. Following steps are needed to request a cross connect
Step 1. Create an ethernet port at a location where cross connects has to be ordered refer steps in Add an Ethernet Port
Step 2. Retrieve charges for a cross connect at a building Use /api/prices?service_type=CROSSCONNECT&building_id={building_id}
Step 3. Use POST api/cross_connect with payload as

  "port_request_id": "< port_request_id>",
  "port_id": "<port_id>",
  "customer_pp_port": "< customer_pp_port >",
  "customer_pp_floor": "< customer_pp_floor>",
  "customer_pp_room": "< customer_pp_room>",
  "customer_pp_cabinet": "< customer_pp_cabinet>",
  "customer_pp_rack": "< customer_pp_rack>",
  "customer_pp_device": "< customer_pp_device >",
  "customer_pp_slot": "< customer_pp_slot>",
  "customer_pp_connector": "< customer_pp_connector >",
  "loa": "<loa>",
  "price_id": "<price_id>",
  "connector": "<connector>"

PP is presentation panel, port_request_id is the request id of the port created in Step 1. port_id is the service_id of the port created in Step 1, price_id is retrieved from Step 2, loa is letter of authority, connector is connector used in Ethernet port

Delete cross connect

Use DELETE api/cross_connect/{id} to delete a cross connect where id is cross_connect identifier

List Cross-connects

Use GET api/cross_connect to retrieve list of cross connect and related data connections data

Retrieve Cross-connect Information

Use GET api/cross_connect/{id} to retrieve data for single cross connection where id is cross_connect identifier

Use GET /api/requests and search for requests which has resource as “CROSSCONNECT” and id is the port id

Retrieve Billing Data

Use GET charges to retrieve all the charges associated with Ports, Connections and Boosted bandwidths for Cloud, Ethernet and IP Access connections for a given customer

Use GET api/charges to retrieve all the charges associated with Ports, Connections for a given customer. The response contains information about recurring, one off , penalty charges associated with connection, port or IP Access connection.

Provide Bandwidth Boost

Bandwidth Boost feature enables temporary bandwidth upgrades on connections with a commitment term, allowing them to change the bandwidth back to the original committed bandwidth when they choose. Therefore, a customer could buy a 100M service on a 36-month contract, and at any time during that period decide to boost the service above 100M as much as required, paying a premium, to eventually downgrade back to the original 100M bandwidth and rate. The feature is available for Ethernet, Cloud and IP Access connections.

Retrieve Bandwidth boost options for connection type

Use GET /api/prices?service_type={service_type}&from_port_id={from_port_id}&to_port_id={to_port_id} where service_type=Ethernet or cloud or ipaccess connection. The rental_boost_charge and bandwidth_mb in the response gives price and bandwidth value.

Apply Bandwidth boost to existing connection

Step 1. Retrieve bandwidth boost options and associated prices using GET /api/prices?service_type={service_type}&connection_id={connection _id} where service_type is ETHERNETCIRCUIT or CLOUDCIRCUIT or IPACCESS_CIRCUIT and connection_id is connection identifier for the connection. The bandwidth_boost_prices array returns required values.

Step 2. Use PUT /api/connections/{connection_id} with request payload attribute boost_bandwidth_mbps as query param

List available Bandwidth Boost and prices for a connection

Use GET /api/connections search for rental_boost_charge and bandwidth_mb which represent the bandwidth and its corresponding charges at a given date.

Find Boosted bandwidth for connection

Use Get /api/connections check for base_bandwidth and bandwidth values and if they are different use the bandwidth value as boosted value

Find Boosted bandwidth requests

Use GET /api/requests and look for record where resource=CONNECTION and action=BOOST. If this value is present then the bandwidth value will be the boosted bandwidth and the base_bandwidth attribute will be unboosted bandwidth, old_bandwidth will show the value prior to this request.

Charges associated with bandwidth boost

Use GET /api/charges. boost_charges array will have amount, date on whihc boost was applied and type=BOOST values.

Retrieve Trouble tickets data

Use GET tickets to retrieve all the trouble tickets raised by system or service desk and provide view of status on each one of them to your customer.

Retrieve tickets data

Use GET api/tickets to retrieve all the tickets information

Manage multiple customers accounts

If you have multiple customer accounts associated to your login, you have a possibility to use any one of them at a time. You can then manage the services associated with that customer account.
To see which accounts are associated with your login use GET /api/v3/user.
To set a particular customer account as a preffered customer use PATCH /api/v2/user
To view terms and condition details for associated customer account use GET /api/v2/legal_requirements and provide 2 letter language code as request parameter as preferred_language e.g. "DE"
To accept terms and condition for an associated customer account use PATCH /api/v2/legal_requirements and provide the input payload as

"id": 49652,
"accepted": true

End-to-end use-cases

This section covers the end-to-end use cases that are developed using building blocks like Ethernet and cloud ports. These also cover usage of fetures like location retrieval, product attributes to determine the prices for connectivity.

Create Point to Point connection

  1. Create a-end ethernet port
  2. Create b-end ethernet port
  3. Create ethernet connection with P-P VLAN mapping.

Step 1. Add two Ethernet port
Step 2. Make Ethernet connection with payload

"from_port_id": "<from_port_id>",
"from_vlans": {
  "vlan_mapping": "P",
  "vlan_type": "",
  "vlan_id": null
"name": "P2Pconnection",
"price": {
  "price_id": <price_id>
"to_port_id": "<to_port_id>",
"to_vlans": {
  "vlan_mapping": "P",
  "vlan_type": "",
  "vlan_id": null


Where vlan_mapping are “P” for both from and to port Refer P2P section of the Ethernet connection

Create Hub and Spoke connection

  1. Create b-end ethernet port

  2. Create ethernet connection with X-P or X-X (x on hub end)or F-F mapping

Step1 and Step 2 is adding two ethernet ports
Step 3. Make an Ethernet Connection where change in payload values from_vlans - vlan_mapping is “X” and to_vlans - vlan_mapping is “P” or both as “X” or “F” at both.Refer Ethernet Virtual Private Line section of Ethernet connection

Order bundle for Ethernet (New*)

Currently the On Demand platform allows users to place Port and Connection requests. However for a Connection request both end ports need to be already live and active. This means that if customers want to place an order for a connection which requires new capacity to be built, they need to wait weeks/months until both ports are delivered before they can place the Connection request. This feature therefore will allow customers to place all required requests for a connection at the same time in one action, with each request triggering automatically once all the pre-requisites are completed.

This means that customers in one single action can submit:

  1. A port create request for the a-end by using POST /api/v2/port/services operation
  2. A port create request for the b-end again using POST /api/v2/port/services operation and
  3. Submit a connection request between the a-end and b-end ports using POST /v2/connection/services operation while the ports are still getting created to achieve this.

Create a Cloud Connection

This is made of 3 steps:

  1. Create a cloud port
  2. Create an ethernet port (optional if already available)
  3. Create a cloud connection Refer Cloud connections

Create an IP Access Connection

This is made of 2 steps:

  1. Create an ethernet port
  2. Create an IP access connection. Refer IP Access section

Cross connect

  1. Add ethernet port

  2. Add cross connect

Address qualification

Step 1. Search for buildings from customer address book use GET /api/locations just to confirm that the building is not already added to the address book
Step 2. Search building/location where Port has to be ordered in the global directory use GET /api/global_directory/address
Step 3. Search for Sites available in the building using GET /api/building/{building_id}/site
Step 4. Add the building to address book using POST /api/locations with payload

  "building_id": "<building_id",
  "location_name": "<location_name>",
  "country": "<country_name>",
  "site_floor": "<site_floor>",
  "site_room_name": "<site_room_name>"

Where the site_floor and site_room_name has to be provided if the site is newly added else will be already available in the building details and will be available as a response of step 3.
Exception scenario
If the address is not available in Colt database then the result of Step 2 will be an empty array Use GET /api/geolocation-reachable?lat={latitude}&long={longitude}&place_id={place_d}

If the Address is reachable API responds with

  "reachable": true,
  "installation_currency": "<currency>",
  "installation_charge": <charge>

If not then Colt connection is not supported at the location. Add the building to Address book Use POST /api/locations with payload

"location_name": "<location_name>",
  "city": "<city>",
  "country": "<country>”,
  "latitude": <latitude>,
  "longitude": <longitude>,
  "address": ",address>",
  "site_floor": "<site_floor>",
  "site_room_name": "<site_room_name>"

Refer a flowchart below for the process steps.

The referenced media source is missing and needs to be re-embedded.

Add new site to building

Step1. Search for a site availability at a given building use GET api/building//site this should result in empty site data array
Step 2. To add a new site use POST /api/locations

  "building_id": "< building_id >",
  "location_name": "< location_name >",
  "country": "<country_name>",
  "site_floor": "<site_floor>",
  "site_room_name": "<site_room_name>"

where site_floor is the new floor number and site_room_name is new site name where port has to be installed. This API returns "id":"”, “novitas_site_type":" “ which are used in further process of price retrieval

The referenced media source is missing and needs to be re-embedded.


Find Prices for ordering a Port or making a connection

To Find prices for installing an Ethernet Port and a connection between 2 port following steps are used
Step 1. Get the building details where A end port has to be installed using /api/global_directory/address?place_id=ChIJH8vQ7fmLGGAR_Vx9A5i46pc&count=100 discussed in step 1. Of Add Ethernet Connection section. This API will return null if connected building is not available.
Step 2. Retrieve prices and products available for Ethernet port at the given building using GET /api/prices?service_type=ETHERNETPORT&site_type={site_type} where site_type is retrieved from step 1. which is novitas_site_type
Step 3. Choose B End as Ethernet port similar to Step 2 and retrieve the prices
Step 4. Retrieve prices for making an Ethernet connection between these two ports using GET /api/prices?service_type=ETHERNETCIRCUIT&from_site_type={from_site_type}&to_site_type={from_site_type} where from_site_type and to_site_type are retrieved from the Step 1
To find Price to make IP Access Connection following steps are used
Step 1. Get the Ethernet port installations product and charges for the chosen building
Step 2. Retrieve product and prices for IP Access connection using
GET /api/prices?service_type=IPACCESSCIRCUIT&site_type={site_type}
To find Prices for cloud connection
Step 1. Retrieve all the information about the cloud providers using GET /api/cloudsites
Step 2. Retrieve Product and prices for port installation using GET /prices?service_type=CLOUDPORT&site_type=DCA-MSA-JP-TKY where site_type is retrieved from step 1
Step 3. Retrieve prices for making cloud connection at the given port api/prices?service_type=CLOUDCIRCUIT&from_site_type={from_site_type}&to_site_type={to_site_type}&to_site_type_1={to_site_type _1}&service=AZURE_EXPRESS where from_site_type is cloud END retrieved in step 1 and to_site_type is the A END Ethernet port of the network

Note for other cloud providers service attribute changes according to provider and to_site_type_1 attribute is not needed.



  • CEA - Common Equipment Area
  • Coterminus option: When changing a connection in some chargeable way, this option defines whether the new contract should run only until the end date of the current contract (true), or whether you want to “reset” the contract period to start from the date of the change”.
  • Cross Connect: A cross-connect is a physical, hardwired cable that provides a direct connection between two different termination locations within a data centre. the letter of authority is NOT provided by the datacentre owner, it has to be provided by the owner of the equipment you are connecting to, i.e. Colt if the customer orders the cross-connect and the customer if Colt orders it.
  • Global directory: Information of buildings where Colt’s connectivity is available
  • LOA: Letter of authority provided to install connection
  • MMR: Meet me room
  • novitas_site_type: Is a Colt term to represent a site e.g. KDC-PL-WOW created by combining the building category (KDC, DCNET, LANLINK, DCA-MSA, DCA-AWSH, etc), PL 2 letter country code and WOW 3 letter metropolitan area code.
  • Order id: This is generated by Siebel for siteport and cross-connect requests
  • PORT_TYPE: DCNPORT/LANPORT/DCAPORT - DCNPORTs are located in data centres. LANPORTs are located on customer premise. DCAPORTs are cloud ports.
  • Product: Colt products e.g. Twisted pair electrical 1Gbps ethernet port
  • Request ID- Request identifier is created for every state chnage of connection e.g. create,modify,delete.
  • Service ID- A unique reference to a service the customer has paid for/requested from the time it is created until the time it is terminated. Applies to all Ports & Connections.
  • Service Type: Connectivity prices are derived basis Service types e.g. ETHERNETPORT'' , CROSSCONNECT or ''ETHERNETCIRCUIT
  • Shared area: This is a place where along with other providers Colt connectivity can be provided
  • Site: Location in the building where ports can be installed.
  • SITEPORT: This is a request type which only installs the capacity – this will also create a PORT request to reserve the capacity once it has been delivered.
  • VLAN type: S-VLAN (88a8) or C-VLAN (8100)




Introducing  SDN APIs

The Colt On-demand platform offers a suite of flexible connectivity solutions, including on-demand Ethernet connectivity between enterprise locations and data centers, direct cloud connectivity to major public cloud providers, on-demand internet access, and cross-connects within data centers. Customers can utilize Colt's APIs to quickly provision and scale these network services as needed, benefiting from features like real-time provisioning and flexible billing options without long-term commitments.

Colt On Demand is based on components which can be used to build end to end services. These components are re-usable and distinct, with attributes specific to each component such as bandwidth and contract term. The components available are:

  1. Ethernet port
  2. Ethernet connection
  3. Cloud Port
  4. IPAccess connection
  5. Cross connect

How to get access to this API?

If you are a Colt customer then please contact your Account Executive.

What is the onboarding process?

Your Account Executive will request the logins for the sandbox account. AE will share the details with you.

The sandbox environment has production like features and you are free to test any use case using the APIs. Our devops team will support you during this period.

Once you are ready with API development and want to move to production , the Account executive has to raise separate registration request that creates Colt online logins and On demand platform credentials. 

How to get support for this API?

You can use the support option available in On-demand portal   for post-production support.

Not a customer yet?

Contact our Sales Team  

How to Try the API?

To try the API and different operations please use On demand API Documentation  

Planned Works & Change Management API

The Planned Works API enables Colt to send Customers details of any planned works that impact your services: date and time of works, outage duration, and impacted circuits. Scheduled works, Updates, Reschedules, cancellations, completion (successful/ unsuccessful ) etc. are part of this service.

Note: API specification details and the try-out option are not available for this API at the moment as this API is unidirectional from the Colt system to the customer system.

How to get access to this API?

If you are a Colt customer then please contact your Account Executive.

How to use this API

Click below to download the API user guide.


Not a customer yet?

Contact our Sales Team  

Note: API specification details and the try-out option are not available for this API at the moment as this API is unidirectional from the Colt system to the customer system.

How to get access to this API?

If you are a Colt customer then please contact your Account Executive.

How to use this API

Click below to download the API user guide.
Download User Guide

Not a customer yet?
Contact our Sales Team