• Is there any API available for validating the addresses for all countries and customer registration number (VAT) for ES & PT?

    Address Management and VAT Validation APIs will be available on the platform in March 2025.

  • How do I get access to NGN APIs?

    Please inform your account manager to request access to the sandbox and/or production environments for the IN REST APIs and access to Colt API portal.

  • Where do I go to create APP and request API credentials?

    • First login to Colt Developer Portal with your credentials.
    • Click on the Apps icon in the Menu navigation in the right top corner
    • Click on Add APP buttonapp new

    • How to view the Voice API keys/credentials and use 'try now' feature for Wholesale SIP?

      The Authentication Keys/Credentials available in the APP must be used to authenticate you.

      • Consumer Key is used as the API Key to validate authorised API Access


      Steps to generate OAuth 2.0 Access Token:

      1. Navigate to API Catalog to view Voice Authorization- OAuth 2.0 API
      2. Click 'Access API' option to view the API and click on Authorize button. A pop-up window appears to enter the authorisation credentials
      3. Enter 'Consumer Key' in Username field and 'Consumer Secret' in the Password field auth
      4. Click Authorize button
      5. Click the close button or close the popup window
      6. Click Try it out button against POST /token resource
      7. Enter the mandatory request parameters and click Execute buttontry auth
      8. The API response returns the JWT Access Token. Use the token to invoke subsequent functional APIsauth response


      Steps to Invoke APIs using OAuth 2.0 Access Token:

      1. Navigate to API Catalog to view Wholesale SIP Number Management API
      2. Click 'Access API' option to view the API and click on Authorize button. A pop-up window appears to enter the authorization credentials
      3. Enter the Access Token generated in above step as the access token value and click Authorize buttontry NH
      4. Click close button or close popup window
      5. Click Try it out button against respective resource (for ex: POST/v1/reservation/order resource)
      6. Enter the request parameters as per the API specification and click Execute buttontry reservation
      7. The API is successfully invoked if the authorization credentials are valid and returns the response as per the API specification


      • APP - Registered API developer account with unique Authentication credentials to access the subscribed APIs
      • API - Application Programming Interface 
    • Why some of the API products in the APP request are in pending status?

      Some API products may require Colt approval and internal setup. Colt will notify you once the request is approved/rejected.

      Below is a example of an APP request pending of approval. In this example the Wholesale SIP number and address management APIs (Live) and Authorization API (Live) are pending of approval from Colt. Colt will review this request and notify you by mail.

      pending app request 1
    • How to access Voice Wholesale SIP APIs?

      Colt Wholesale SIP REST APIs are available in the environments below:

      • Production: live environment. Network, billing & emergency services are enabled.
      • Sandbox: non-production environment for testing the production version of the APIs. Network, billing & emergency services are not enabled.
      • Beta: non-production environment for testing new features before a release, with an upcoming version of APIs. Only available before a new release. Network, billing & emergency services are not enabled. 

      You can self-register yourself on the API portal and create an APP with Production and Sandbox API product bundles. For Beta environment- post the release notes are sent, you can reach out to your account manager and UAT team to provide you the credentials and REST API test cases.

    • For which products CDRs can be downloaded?

      • Daily unrated and/or consolidated unrated CDRs for the products listed below
        1. Geographic Number Hosting
        2. IN for Resellers (e.g. Freephone, Shared Cost, IN Geo etc.)
        3. Voice Line                                   
        4. Voice Line (v) (also known as IPVoiceLine)
        5. SIP Trunking
        6. CIC for Resellers
        7. CIC OPC Reseller
      • Monthly rated CDRs for any Colt voice product

       The CDR APIs will be available on the platform in March 2025.

    • What authentication mechanism is supported today for Voice APIs?

      Colt offers the following authentication options:

      • OAuth 2.0 access token (applicable for 30 mins only) with client_credential grant type used to authenticate clients You can request up to 5 CLIENT_ID + CLIENT_Secret per company account.
      • JWT authentication type is also supported for Voice APIs now.

      This will give options to you to opt for any one of the authentication types

    • Can I use Swagger/Postman API definition?

      Yes, you can. Please use API collection file and access it via Swagger/Postman. In case of any issue you can contact our Support team [email protected]

    • Do all the APIs need authentication?

      Yes, all the APIs must be authenticated before the use.

    • What is JWT (JSON Web Token)?

      JSON Web Token (JWT, RFC 7519) is a way to encode claims in a JSON document that is then signed.

      JWTs can be used as OAuth 2.0 Bearer Tokens to encode all relevant parts of an access token into the access token itself instead of having to store them in a database.

    • On Demand API - How to request support ?

      You can use the support option available in On-demand portal or raise a support ticket via Colt online for post-production support.

    • On Demand API - What is the on boarding process?

      The Account executive has to request for the customer logins for the sandbox account in on demand platform. The Account executive will share the details with customer.

      The  customer can use the login credentials to access the “SDN” API. We will also create MEF login credentials if customers are interested in MEF API. The sandbox environment has production like features and customer are free to test any use case they want to using the APIs. Our devops team will support customers during this period.

      Once customers are ready with API development and want to move to production , the Account executive has to raise separate registration request that creates Colt online logins and On demand platform credentials. We will then also create MEF production credential and set up NNIs which are essential for MEF API.

      User can use support option available in on-demand portal or raise a support ticket via Colt online for post-production support.

    • On-demand API - Which version of MEF API the on-demand platform support and what features are available?

      We have implemented the Billie version of MEF Sonata API and we support following features.

      Address Validation:

      • On net and nearnet connected buildings search providing Fielded address
      • Site availability check in a building
      • Details of building and site by providing identifiers

      Product offering Qualification:

      • Feature that helps customer to validate availability of product for supplied bandwidth and location details


      • Receive instant quote for the product offering


      • Place an order for new connection  (ethernet e-line only at the moment)
      • Ability to cease existing connection

      Notification support

      • Order
      • Quote


    • Which feature the MEF API and “SDN” API supports?


      MEF Sonata API

      “SDN” API

      Industry standard specification



      Support for bandwidth flexing

      Not supported today


      Will the API integration be reusable with other carriers?



      Services supported

      Ethernet (Access E-Line)

      • Ethernet (Access E-Line and EPL)
      • Internet Access
      • Cloud connectivity

      Use cases

      Automated quote and ordering

      • Integration between two SDN platforms
      • Bandwidth flexing
      • White labelling Colt On Demand
      • Bandwidth Boost
    • What is the difference between an API and an API Product?

      API stands for Application Programming Interface, which is a software intermediary that allows two applications to talk to each other. An API product bundles resources (such as API proxies) in order to provide a specific level of access and functionality for client app developers. On the other hand an API product typically specifies a list of API proxies, along with access limits, API key approval method, and other configuration that should be in place for all of the bundled proxies.

    • What is the difference between the sandbox URL and a live URL?

      Sandbox URL is a testing environment so that the live data is not manipulated and it consists of the test parameters whereas a Live URL consists of legitimate parameters of the active/working environment.

    • I’m not getting the expected response. Who do I contact?

      You can contact your Support team. Click here to see the contact details.